re: Candidas (spell??)

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Pico's picture

I have big issues posting my letters!!
Any how, I have telltale signs of candidas in my underwear - the white discharge.  I have been eating a loaf of the zucchinni bread every day.  Intitally I started to gain weight and I am doing good there so will reduce it now -although I LOVE it and it may be hard!   Do you think I am getting the discharge just because I was eating so much or it is just a clear sign you have candidas if you have any discharge at all? I am only on level 1 diet so that doesn't leave me with many options for carbohydrates.  I think I will mainly only have rice and potatoes.  Should I just reduce the bread or should I try eliminating it?  Can candidas cause many IIC symptoms?  The discharge is minimal so I think by reducing it to 2-4 peices of bread a day it could get better.   I don't think I can blame my rollercoaster days on it as I have it every day so that would not explain why I have good and bad days. 

cprince's picture

You would be having significant itching and the dicharge smells very yeasty, if it is truly candida. If not, probably just normal discharge like others have already suggested! 

blondy's picture

Some of discharge is normal depending on time in your cycle. As to starches, the less we eat them the better it is for progress. We only eat them so we have energy during the day. They are not for indulgence. I know easier said than done.