I need some thoughts and suggestions please. When I started the diet it immediately made me feel better. My main symptoms are urge and frequency and the diet made these go away completely. My 2 weeks on the herbs I felt great. I had more energy and my bladder was still feeling very happy. Then he changed my herbs and my bladder got very mad. My frequency came back and I just could never feel empty. He changed me a few times and finally my bladder was feeling okay again. The only issue I was having was not feeling complete. Now a week later on this better protocol my frequency is back again. It is mentally exhausting to have frequency. I find that I do okay with it in the morning but for some reason after 12pm it goes down hill. I guess I am curious if most people get worse before they get better and if it is normal to feel worse in the later part of the day. I am also feeling like I could crawl out of my skin. It is as if my body feels sensitive to the touch or just to it's self. I don't know if I should email boaz or not. I emailed him last week to tell him how great I was feeling on this protocol and now I feel like poop again :(
This is mentally wearing me
This is mentally wearing me down today like I will never improve. I know that sounds extreme.
It is fairly common to have
It is fairly common to have these ups and downs. As the herbs are working, your body is changing, and toxins are being released. It is mentally and emotionally exhausting at times, but I just want you to know that this is how it has been for me also, and for many others in treatment.
I'm sure others can give you a more detailed explanation and response, but I just wanted to reach out and let you know it's going to be okay. Don't lose heart. But DO tell Dr. B that you feel that crawling out of your skin feeling. He may need to make a change. I've had that feeling before, and Dr. M made a change for me that helped. Sometimes they want you to push through things, and other times they will make a change.
Sending hugs!
For me personally there were
For me personally there were a lot of ups and downs the first year, and into the second year. It is one thing to go on the diet to stablilize. But as Lisa Ann says, the healing is dynamic and the herbs are asking a lot of our bodies. One's immune system is really weakened by the previous lifestyle and health history that we each have, and our bodies can respond very dramatically to probiotics and herbs. You are rebuilding your gut flora, repairing tissue damage, detoxifying organs and strengthening them, and more! For many people, as you move along, you react less intensely to the protocol, and if you do have a reaction you can get back on track faster. But for me personally, I am close to 2 years in treatment and I still feel crappy on cycle day 7 and cycle day 14, and depending on the protocol, sometimes a day or two before my period. Early in treatment I felt crappy often, so I could not see that I was reacting more strongly to hormones at different times in my cycle but now that I have more good days and chunks of days I can see those patterns.
Keep a journal of ALL of your symptoms and you will start to see patterns and change.
I communicate weekly with Dr. Brizman because if I am having pain or a symptoms that is really distracting me, she can often help. I agree that sometimes you need to push and sometimes you need a change and you will work this out with Dr. Boaz.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.