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Hi everyone. I'm looking for anyone who's used Gynatren to share their experience. I have horrible VV with infections of both bacterial and yeast, constantly. After having to take Bactrim for a staph infection everything has been much worse. Boaz wants me to try Gynatren for some symptom relief. I've used Goldenseal and yogurt and it does help but I am worried about the boric acid component of Gynatren. I've used a prescription for it in the past and it irritated my tissues. Also, for anyone who had/has recurrent BV and yeast infections, when does this stop?! I need some encouragement and hope.

blessings to all of you.


deir's picture

Katie- isn't the Boric acid in that homeopathic? If so- it is totally differnt from taking boric acid itself. It is the "energetic" part of Boric acid- I love homeopathy! So cool.

deir's picture

ps- I hope you feel better soon- i have no experince with this particular symptom-(((((((hug))))))

Knparker's picture

Thanks Deir. I'm glad you don't have experience with it...although I know you have lots of experience w others! Hugs to you too!

Murphy325's picture

I used gynatren two years ago. I had THE WORST yeast infection. Seriously, thinking about it now makes me shudder. We tried every other different thing, and finally I went to the gynatren, and it was a miracle. The pain decreased almost immediately. Don't be afraid - it really should help you. The only weird thing is that the capsules are yellow, so you get interesting discharge. But, what else is new with IC.

TwentyTwenty's picture

Yeast Arrest is also a wonderful product and burns less than Gynatren

CO's picture

Gynatren has been a huge part in me improving. Not just one pack, but when I need it over the course of...I'd say two years.  I still have a bottle in the fridge now and use it when I feel itchyness (only recently started again after months of no symptoms at all). Also check out doderlein capsules, they are a different strain of bacteria, I felt that both helped. Doderlein is sold in Germany (without prescription), but some online pharmacies sell it online.