Olive Oil

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What brand of olive oil (NOT extra virgin) do you guys use?  Matia is questioning whether or not olive oil is a culprit in how badly I have been hurting.  We can't seem to get a handle on things somehow.  I have been using Pompeian Classic Olive Oil for at least the last year or two.  I have read conflicting reports online about Pompeian EVOO, but I can't find anything about the regular stuff.  And I haven't been able to find a trusted brand locally either.  Every store seems to carry quality EVOO, but that's it.



Tinkerbell7's picture

I used to use bertolli without issue. At least I'm pretty sure it was bertolli. Then my store stopped carrying it in glass bottles, only plastic so I stopped buying that just because I prefer it in glass bottles. I now use Raleys store brand (in California). I haven't had a problem.

atraylor's picture

i use extra light bertolli and pompeian. 

Mimij67's picture

I use Bertolli Extra Light, it seems fine?

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Mimij67's picture

Lisa could you ask her if you could just use beef fat for a week (tallo that you buy, or else just cook with the fat from your meat-u can even use it as a salad dressing) to take out OO completely? Also do you tollerate butter? I was trying to think of a fat you could use so you could completely take out OO and then add it back to see if you react...?

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thanks, Mimi.  I do use butter, and yesterday that was all I used, but I felt like without the olive oil, everything got stuck in my intestines and made my bladder feel worse.  I tried my Pompeian olive oil again this morning with my breakfast and it felt better.  But I want to find an olive oil that I know for sure is pure and not adulterated with other oils.  That is Matia's main concern, that there is soybean oil or something in there that is irritating my bladder.


I eat a lot of grass fed ground beef and I never drain the fat out because when I do, I get more constipated and my bladder and vaginal symptoms go up.  Fat intake is definitely important for me.


Food is still a real challenge for me.  I started eating sauteed cabbage a few weeks ago, but I can only eat it every few days because it takes a couple days for my body to recover from eating it.  It produces a lot of die-off but also a lot of bladder and vaginal pain.  Seems like every time I eat it though, the pain is slightly less.  Maybe in three months it won't hurt anymore, LOL. 


Honestly, we are grasping at straws trying to figure out why we can't get my symptoms and pain under control, why everything hurts me, even the herbs lately.  Nothing I have tried in the last couple of months has truly made me feel better.  It's kind of scary and I am battling anxiety and depression because of it, which is not really normal for me.


I am going to get some blood tests and other tests done to see if there is something we are missing, something about my body that needs attention that we are not realizing.


I started taking a tiny bit of Elavil a few weeks ago, with Matia's approval, because I needed something to help me deal with the constant pain.  It helps a little, but at this tiny dose, I still have the ability to feel high pain for a prolonged period of time.  It just takes some of the edge off.  I used to be able to deal with it so much better, and I was strong.  But lately I feel so weak.  I have followed the protocol perfectly and everything I have done has been approved by Matia, so it's not that I've knowingly done something wrong or "cheated" in some way.  


Thanks for listening.  I know this thread is about olive oil, but this all kind of ties in with why I am asking for suggestions.


I don't want to bring anybody down, especially people who are struggling.  I'm just having an especially rough time right now.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thanks for all the suggestions, guys.  Keep them coming.  I would love to find some California olive oil because I've read that those are more likely to be pure, but I can't find any that aren't EVOO.


Tinkerbell, I looked up Raley's in California, but it doesn't look like you can order their products online.  What is the exact name of the olive oil?  Maybe I can find it somewhere else?  Is it non-EVOO?



deir's picture

LISA!! So much love coming your way from me. I just saw a sign today that said "If you are going through hell...keep going." Made me think of IC. Matia is scouring her very smart brain to find the key to unlock your pain.  You are doing everything you can and I just feel that at some point thsoe two things will get that lock undone and you will find  relief. I have had her express frustration and it is scary. I always want her to say "This is normal, you will be ok" But when SHE seems at a loss- it can be almost too much to bear!! (((((hug))))) But I think it makes her redouble her efforts. Be gentle with yourself. This too shall pass- maybe not excatly as we want it to but this particularly tough time today will pass.


Also with the oil- maybe ask about lard?- from a reputable farmer. I know she says avoid a lot of Pork but she said she thinks lard could be ok. I use it to make pie crust and french fries (very rarely) It is hard not to use olive oil because I LOVE butter but some things taste a little gross in it I think- like cabbage.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thank you so much Deirdre.  I know you understand where I'm coming from with the scariness of it all.  I keep telling myself that this will pass, and it does help.  It's hard not to catastrophize and think I'm doomed, but the pain usually does calm down to a more tolerable level eventually, so I keep reminding myself of that too.


What olive oil do you use by the way?

deir's picture

I used to buy mine at target- have no idea of the wuality but it was just "Pure Olive OIl" Now they stopped carrying it. So I am in the same boat- not sure

deir's picture

I used to buy mine at target- have no idea of the wuality but it was just "Pure Olive OIl" Now they stopped carrying it. So I am in the same boat- not sure

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thanks Deirdre.  I was looking at Fillipo Berio and Colavita as possibilities.  I think they both come in glass bottles.  I wonder about Trader Joe's too.  I wish I could find some California Olive Oil that wasn't extra virgin.  I would totally spend the money if it was expensive.  I don't care!  I just want something I can count on right now.

amybarbara's picture

I have used Fillipo Berio from the beginning & does not seem to cause problems. Try to find an Italian market or deli. Mine has it in glass but also large quantities in large cans.


Murphy325's picture

For what it's worth, I used to buy not EV olive oil at Trader Joe's. I can't speak to the quality/pureness, but it worked well for me at the time. That was the ONLY place I could find regular olive oil near me.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thank you Amy and Murphy!  We have both Filippo Berio and TJ's brand locally, so good to know those are good options.  I think I've had both of those in the past so I can try them again.  Matia gave me the okay to have olive oil again because when I took it out, I actually felt worse.  I think olive oil really helps my digestion.  :)

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Update on olive oil.  I started using Filippo Berio last night and today, and my bladder isn't as irritated after I eat.  I'm still dealing with high pain, but I am noticing a positive difference as compared to using Pompeian.  

deir's picture

Does it have some EVOO in it?

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

It says it is composed of virgin olive oils and refined olive oils, not extra virgin olive oil. I think that's okay? Guess I better ask Dr. B. 

deir's picture

I always thought that was not ok which is why I have had such a hard time finding oil but maybe it is ok if everyone else has been using it?

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

I meant to email her today about it and forgot.  I will let you know as soon as I hear.  

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Okay, so I asked Dr. B about the Filippo Berio olive oil, told her what was in it, and she said it was fine.  :)

deir's picture

great- this makes it easier for me. I really think she needs to update lists etc!

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

I agree Deirdre.  I've thought that more than once.  Maybe if a few of us mention it, she will.  :)