washing non-organic foods

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Hello there~

Just wondering how you guys wash your non-organic veggies and fruit?  Majority of my food is organic but sometimes certain things aren't in season and I'm just rinsing with water.  Do you guys rinse with water only too?


natasha149's picture

Sharlene, I only use water. There is also Fruit and Vegetable spray they sell to remove wax and other stuff.

Hopeful's picture

use water too. But peel if I can and it is really waxy.

Melsvensen's picture

I put a few drops of Grapefruit seed extract in a bowl of water and then dunk it a few times, then  wash it off

cecilia's picture

I use Miracle 2 soap , you can order it online to wash my veggies and it has so many other great uses, Its super gentle.