It's been kind of quiet around here of late. I figure that we're all feeling a heck of a lot better, or dove into a vat of chocolate, followed by a pint of beer, and are too ashamed to admit it :) Actually, I really would like a margarita on the rocks with salt. HOWEVER, I do know that is a past life.....
I had a bit of a melt down to Dr. B about my crazy anxiety - she found something that's working now - it's so nice to be able to relax a bit
OK - my whole face itches - I want to rip my head off and scratch it to death. I have all these floaters in front of my eyes. Oh, and the right eye was throbbing and burning so much last night while pools of clear liquid came pouring out - I couldn't even focus - never mind the head ache from it all. Has anyone else had this?
I am excited and happy that this crap is coming out - however, the itching is insane. I think I'll try flooding myself with water and see if that helps - any suggestion?
I hope all of you are well - Take Care
Beer for me unfortunately ; ) NOT worth it. But sometimes it still looks good!!!
I am glad to hear you found something that is helping with the anxiety; that is great.
Yes, I have had the crazy itching... and had it for almost a year, mostly all over my arms and legs. It is VERY annoying. And also have had very watery leaky eyes. And tons of annoying eye twitching... swollen eyes... puffy... crusty... could go on but sure you get the point. That is so good you are getting crap out. It is so not fun though.
I have a itchy and extremely red/flaky rash on both sides of my chin the last 2 months. They seem to just keep spreading. Nothing I try to put on them helps... very hard to have this on my face. I am hoping it doesn't spread all over it... it seems that my skin likes being the best source to get stuff out : ( I will never take for granite my skin again! I used to complain and now I see I had it good! Ha!
Hang in there....
I had itchy skin for first 4
I had itchy skin for first 4 months of treatment. Now my symptoms of die off are more systemic all over achey, flu like body pain. It sucks! I know none of this is fun but does anyone know how long all this die off lasts? I have been in treatment for almost 9 months.
Length of die off
Hi Colleen,
It would be interesting to hear from people that say - DONE WITH DIE OFF! It's certainly not me. I'll have this lull and I'll start thinking that none of this is really real. I mean, have you seen the blank stare on some peoples face when you start talking about it? You can sort of see the wheels spinning behind their eyes, while they wonder if you shouldn't be checked into some sort of mental ward. At times it's kind of hard for me not to ask the same question to myself. Then, I'm once again in some sort of bizaar leakage of body fluids or wierd symptom - like tingling all over after a momentous BM - try telling that to someone as table conversation :)
If you search yeast die off on line - they tell you it lasts two to four weeks. YEAH-RIGHT!
OK - I'm done with my rant
Hi Hopeful - good to hear from my coffee drinking buddy again - alas -you're right, no beer. I hope that you're doing well.
Take Care
I wish
I knew a time limit for die off too. But I am sure that is much to hard to ever determine, though I guess one could ask Matia her thoughts for their individual case. I am 13 months in and still having tons of it.
Yes we are coffee drinkin buddies : ) Thank goodness for coffee? Right?!
Itchy and die off
Hiya thought I'd add some info of my die off - I don't want to be left out ;)
I've noticed since I've double the probiotics, the die off's much worse but I kind of like it. I've started to get the leaky eyes (which I'm hoping will improve the dry feeling) and I've had random all over body itching including a nice little flaky red circle on the inside of my arm and a tiny itchy spot on my foot.
Before I started this treatment I used to get severe itching on my jawline/face, but that seems to have subsided - strange. I've had some lumpy cyst like spots under my skin too - 1 on my ear/face and the other near my mouth. Other symptoms are a mild burning in my chest and backache - the backache is the hardest to deal with, it feels hard to hold myself up sometimes..I don't know what this is about..?
I describe myself as feeling like a car exhaust - feels like I have fumes inside my chest - weird! There's nothing not weird about this treatment and symptoms. I too have the floaters in front of my eyes Denise.
Why oh why does the internet
Why oh why does the internet say that die off lasts only a few weeks? Does it go on so long for us because we have so much poison in our systems to get rid of? I am 3 months into my own regieme and and have had 2 weeks first time, then 3 and a half weeks, then a lovely break of 26 days and a little die for 2 days, am fine again.
Did anyone have burning eyes? I had that for 2 days and wanted to die from the pain of it, felt like there was acid coming out of my eye balls. I was sure I was getting glaucoma (my dad has it) and then it just went, hasnt returned.
burning eyes
Hi Taz,
Yep, I've had burning eyes, running eyes, dry eyes, sinus headache behind the eyes. Oh, and floating dots in the eyes.
Take Care
Could die-off that you read
Could die-off that you read online be die-off when ppl are on a temporarily detox? To me, the herbs we use everyday is the real reason of detox, and so long we use them the stuff will keep coming until we get better, I suppose.
I had burning eyes a lot in the first 6 months or so, and still having sometimes though it is better than before.
Did anyone have issues with contact lenses? I can not use my contact lenses for a long time though due to itchy eyes. I have seen several optometrists and they told me it seems like allergy and when I say I have a lot of food intolerance stuff going on, they tell me it could be systematic allergy and I should avoid contact lenses, which is frustrurating:(ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I am waiting to hear back about a apt. For the past few weeks I have been sticking with phase one of the diet. I bought the oil of oregano because it came up on internet searches as something to treat IC. I've only used it 2 or 3 times and only 2 drops in a day, but man when I take it along with the diet I feel like hell! My ears are ringing, I am so tired and I feel like I have the flu almost, chills and cold feet.... can die-off happen that quickly? I wish the ear ringing would stop I can deal with the rest for now.
Denise, whenever I mess up
Denise, whenever I mess up with diet I have itchy scalp and itchy face. When I say "mess up", it is not really going crazy junk food. Even healthy stuff might be disturbing sometimes. .e.g if I eat grapes which is not on my diet, my face gets itchy. I don't really know why that is.
If you are pretty good on diet, may be deeper stuff is coming up, which is good indeed. I think whatever it is bad in your tissues might be coming into play, let them go. God knows what these herbs are really doing, and how they are really doing, lol..Sorry, but sometimes I really find this protocol funny (the whole process made me have a different way of humour indeed, its like a joke ). Sometimes I really do not understand (even though I know a little bit) why healthy food is so disturbing, an apple might disturb be more than a cookie,
Die off & humor
Hi Selda,
Nice to hear from you again. Like you, I think if you can find some humor in all of this, all the better.
This is all so confusing - I had sort of assumed that the itching was a good thing. HOWEVER, I am itching again and my ear is ringing - AND CONFESSION - I had taco time for lunch - a bean burrito. You've given me something to mull over. Which I do thank you for - HOWEVER - I was enjoying my ignorance - WAKE UP CALL. Darn..... I was thinking that since my bladder wasn't bothering me, that I could just skate.
How has your anxiety been? Mine has been better but has been replaced by this just plain pissed off feeling.
Take Care,
Loop: I do fine on diet. and when I eat sth I am not supposed to I get itchy, then I go back to strict diet and I am still itchy, even more .So I assume the crap I ate just id disturbing. This could be totally wrong, could be true as well. I assume whatever you eat -if it makes you itchy--you should not eat. Hopefully after a while you will be tolerate.Ear ringing doesnt happen to me very often anymore btw.
I am glad your anxiety is gone, though replacing one(pissed of feeling) is another issue. I think it is a loop again: anxiety goes another disturbing feeling comes, and it goes, sadness comes, it goess momentarily happiness comes, etc..I am very moody as you can imagine. My anxiety was way better until I stopped Rhodiola, so we put it back again yesterday--hopefully it will help. I find it quite amazing how these herbs show its effect in 1 week sometimes. And yes, I have that tiredness feeling, a bit mix of tiredness, not trusting my gut as it seems I dont get what my body wants those days. Take care too.