I seem to be having less peeing problems now, for the most part, and more indigestion or IBS problems. The pain is digestive related but it is felt where the bladder is. I used to feel more pressure/burning here. But then I realized the pressure/ burning was digestive. Now it seems like, or today, it seems like I can tell more that it is digestive and that it will subside as the food moves through. I wonder if this is a good sign or one that I'm about to start experiencing more pain. It's also close to ovulation, and last month I could feel the food moving through my intestines more at that time. Not sure why? Does anyone experience or have experienced anything like this?
I have had MAJOR IBS/digestion issues
I had all of the symptoms you explained above, super weird and just around week 7, I actually had a firm BM. yay! I was so happy since it had been since July that I had IBS daily. and I mean 24/7 pain. Post period this week, its changed back to less firm but I think its related to the fact that I am experiencing more frequency/burning/irritation. IBS has been a big challenge for me and I was scared I wouldnt get better. however, my digestion is getting better being on Dr. B's protocol. Now if the urgency/burning/itchiness can calm down again so now I'm anxious about this having crept up again (UGH). Not sure which is worse! There is always something but I think with time and patience, it will subside... hope this helps.