Has anyone had this symptom?

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For a while, I have been having a pulsating heartbeat sensation in my vagina just as I almost get to sleep. I also jerk when I go to sleep. At times the pulsating feeling has moved around and been less strong, like in my stomach. Last night, it was in my bladder. Just as I tried to go to sleep, I would feel a heartbeat there that made me feel awful, like if it stayed on permanently, it would feel like a terrible bladder infection. I also seemed to be having a bad flair last night but I hadn't eaten anything different. The pulsating things are not like typical bladder spasms and I only notice them just as I'm about to fall asleep. I also think they are connected to anxiety levels, but I didn't feel that anxious last night until they started. Has anyone experienced this.

junie's picture

me,  the other night when i was about to fall asleep i jerked which startled me a bit.  it probably happened twice...don't know what that means.  when you say pulsating in the vagina, r u talking about like a throbbing sensation?  yes, because i feel the throbbing sensation more so when i'm in bed....perhaps, we are not distracted by anything else, so we notice it more.  when i'm out especially in an unfamiliar place, i get anxious because restroom is my security blanket....and whenever my pain is manageable...i get nervous because i don't know when this pain will come back, i can trigger it depending on how i sit, move, or walk from minute to minute.