Sleep/botox/ desperate

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Hi all. Need some advice. I'm seriously considering having botox injections in my bladder so I can get some sleep at night. As I'm sure most who read my posts know that my insomnia is a bigger problem than my IC and both chase each other round in a vicious circle. I've tried everything but even when I'm sleeping well I'm constantly woken by the need to wee at night and have been for years - I just can't catch up on years of missed nights. Don't know what to do and I'm desperate.


Anyone have any experience or knowledge of this?  I'd like to point out that I'm a believer of the natural route with IC and I try my best not to take conventional meds and this decision would be to help my recovery and give me some quality of life back.

blondy's picture


Hi Missmadmolly, I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I was just thinking about those injections while driving today, so I will answer.
I decided against it. I recalled that my very first problems with IC started shortly after I injected that type of substance and a filler in my face. It wasn't too much, but it wasn't little either. I imagine that it will relax the muscle, but as chemical material, it may promote inflammation (if your IC is inflammatory in nature). 
It takes about six days to see or feel the effect. I remember not being totally satisfied with one particular area, and I went back for more. Even then, it wasn't what I initially envisioned, but I let it be. It worked for about 3 months, then slowly winded out. 
They would have to inject in bladder directly, right? Did you actually ask the doctor how much medicine he/she would use? I suspect that the doc would have to use a lot to relax the bladder. 
I am not sure what route you will take, just sharing my experience. I really hope you'll find remedy to help you seep and wish you well.