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I stopped drinking all alcohol about 21 years ago. No, I am not an alcoholic, but suddenly I realized I was participating in behavior that made me feel unwell and thought it would be best to stop. I also realized it was a way of checking out and I didnt want to check out. I wanted to feel every moment of my life, painful or pleasurable. They both hels ( and hold) equal importance to me. After stopping that, and stopping smoking cigarrettes, yes, I smoked, I began the journey of really changing my health around.

Now, all of these years later, I am so glad I did. It has paid off in so many ways. Spiritually, phycically, and aesthetically. I definitely feel like my aging process would have been much more expeditious had I not stopped. Back then, I did not look very healthy. And now I feel like I am much healthier in appearance than I would have been if I had not stopped those bad habits.

In the process of understanding the impact this has had on my own life, spending the last almost 17 years watching others drink or not drink has really assisted me in understanding the profound impact that drinking has on a paerson's physiology.

People I think think I am a prude or judgemental in some way regarding this subject. I really am not. I only try and encourage optimal health, which, I think is harder to reach when consuming. This article discusses why. Someone sent this to me to share:




selichan's picture

Dear Dr. B, so wonderful that you kicked those habits a while ago. It's so hard to imagine you having any bad habits :) thank you for this article. I wish i could convince my mom to stop smoking before she looses her health for worse and has no option anymore. Unfortunately she uses an excuse, "I am only smoking half and throwing the rest"  everytime to shush us up. I thought about threathening to stop talking to her, but her doctor said it won't make a difference, she'll only quit when she is mentally ready. Hope that she'll get there before her body quits on her.

cprince's picture

Thank you for sharing this with us! Yes, I too find it hard to believe you had bad habits to kick!;) Not that I was ever a big drinker, but I was a total light weight, drunk after one drink and always felt like total death after drinking, awful pressure and pain in my chest and IBS out of control, and never knew why! Little did I know the amount of bacterial/yeast overgrowth I had, and to think I was feeding them and letting it grow even further out of control! So glad that is behind me, and returning to health! Maybe I will continue to be mistaken for being in high school for many years to come!:) 

pterzwife's picture

I am blown away by the comment " I want to feel every moment of my life, whether painful or joyful." 
Now that I don't drink, when I go to places where people do,  I figure that I have a free pass to be goofy.