Another New Story-Will also post on Story Page

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14 mths ago I made the trip to LA from the UK. I’d suffered from numerous UTI’s over the last 20 years and developed symptoms known as IC about 2 years ago.

I was in constant pain and tied to the bathroom.  I rejected investigative procedures from urologists and decided to embark on Matia’s program.

The treatment process was far from easy. Months of yo-yoing up and down, a good day here, to then have a bad few. The anxiety of whether this would really work for me, or whether I was beyond Matias program. I was tempted at times to call my Dr and beg to be pumped full of painkillers.  I kept a diary of good days (hours too!) and bad, to try and find a pattern.  Any question Matia had for me, I could answer in great detail.

About 6 months ago I noticed when Matia asked me specific questions (urine flow/colour etc), I had to admit that I hadn’t taken note, and had actually forgotten.

Fast forward to my appointment last week and I spent most of it discussing how to deal with the pressures of my new job. There was little mention of IC. 

I don’t often think of my bladder now.  I ride horses for a living (having given it up due to IC), something not exactly suited to an IC sufferer!  I am no longer a victim but someone who has taken back their life, and a much healthier one.

My advice is to stick to the diet religiously (it will save you from other more life threatening dis-eases in the process) and take the recommended pills/herbs seriously. Try (although hard) to remain positive that you will get better and remember that having been made aware of Dr Matia Brizman you are one of the lucky ones.  
