Cats With IC

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Interestingly, there is a huge incidence of IC with cats. Very strangely, my cat, who, I shamefully did not spay in time got pregnant and had a litter of not one, but, five kittens earleir this year. I found homes for all of them. The one I kept apparently has, yes, IC. So, I have treated him. He instantly responded positively, but then after about 10 days, began to have symptoms again. Then I realized, I had not changed his water. I did so and since then, which has been another ten days, there have been no symptoms. 

This poor cat was trying to tell me something by peeing repeatedly on my bed. Finally after I didn't fix his problem, he started peeing ON ME! That's when I said to myself. "OH, he is trying to tell me something!"
I thought he was just being naughty.

So, if your cat is having problems with urinating inapporpriately, it may be IC. While that is also my point, the very most interesting thing here was the water!



flygirlsam's picture

My Aunt's cat was diagnosed with 'kitty IC' about a month after I was!  It was so sad. He was put on multiple drugs and a special diet, naturally, and didn't respond too well.  He was very old and ended up dying of other causes, but I felt so connected to that cat with our bladder woes!  I am so happy to hear you were able to help your kitty with a safer approach!  When we moved, my cat started having major gastro-intestinal issues. As soon as I switched from tap water to spring water they resolved and have never come back! So now my two cats and I all drink only spring water in our house :-)

fahlmank's picture

Out of curiosity .... Which cat food do you use for your cats? I have been using California Naturals but always wonder if I could do better. What a great story to share! Thanks;)

drbrizman's picture

Call of the Wild-really prob not the best . I think the best may be this raw food brand of cat food. I am searching for it and cannot find it at the moment. I would really like to get this one, but, I have so many animals I would need more than another whole refrigerator to house raw food for them. There must be better brands than the one I use, I shamefully have not invested the time to look.