There was an article posted regarding an actor's bad experience with his health. By his doctor it was linked to overconsumtpion of fish and Chinese medicine. I will not comment on this diagnosis because I do not have the right to do so nor do I have all of the facts. However, should this diagnosis be correct, this does not mean that all Chinese medicine is contaminated. And, if compared to western medications, well. we should probably not go there. IN any case, one patient asked me today about this article and I wanted to assure all of you that all of our products come from the highest quality producers. My personal formulas are made my Sun Ten Laboratories,. who, through testing has continued to prove their compliance with Prop 65's strictest guidelines. I also added a link to another website which talks about prop 65 and some interesting issues with that. On that site, read the highlighted green part. It is very interesting.