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The body and mind are, in my opinion, a two way street. I have shared many times, my opinion on that topic. Whereas, in the psych profession, it seems that there is such a focus on the mind effecting the body, I would argue that the body also effects the mind. 

In Chinese medical literature, this point is consistently made and there are organ imbalances correlated with different types of emotional presentations.

It is very interesting now to see researchers correlating the gut with changes in emotion. I am certain there will be lots more to come on this subject. 

I see this most clearly with children. It is so easy to notice behavioral changes in children depending on what they have ingested supplementally. It is striking. Of course children do not have the emotional or physical baggage that we adults have, so the changes are more fluid in them and easier to track. However, in treating adults, those changes also occur over time both with the changes microbially and energetically.

Many times family members will share with me that they feel that their loved one's problems "are coming from their head". Nope, they are coming from their gut!

I think this is a huge subject and a great article, it's a great read!: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/11/18/244526773/gut-bacteria-might-...


cprince's picture

Interesting article, thanks for sharing. I wonder as my gut becomes more balanced if I will have less vagal syncope episodes since the CNS and gut are connected by the vagal nerve? That would be an added bonus! :)