The HPV vaccine seems to be a HUGE issue these days. I received this articel from not one, but two people today. SO, I thought I should post it. A lot of people ask me if they should get this and some mother's want to give it to their daughters. Maybe think about that:http://www.naturalnews.com/024325.html
Matia;What do you think of the new vaccine for shingles? Is it a good idea to get this? It is recommended for people over 60 I think.
I think the best way to decide whether to get a vaccine or not is to weigh the benefits of the vaccine over the risks posed by getting it. So, when considering what to do, go to your local pharmacist and get all the information on that vaccine and try to make your decision that way. I am not a personal fan of vaccines if you are wanting my personal opinion. I would not put one into my body unless I had a really good reason and felt that I could not treat whatever I was trying to vaccinate against.