Chinese medicine has an entirely different paradigm through which to view physiology, and this is of great benefit when looking at conditions which seem otherwise undiagnosable through Western methods. However, the wonderful thing about practicing an ancient art more than 3,000 years later is we have the benefit of understanding certain things that we didn't so long ago.
As anyone who has followed our work all of these years knows, we use an integrated understanding of physiology which draws heavily from the profound teachings of Chinese medicine combined with certain Western understanding of the human body. This work is almost completely based on rebalancing the GUT microbiome in the treatment of Interstitial Cystitis and it's associated chronic inflammatory conditions.
Because we treat our patients for more than just their IC, we have the benefit of helping them through the years of their lives and as such, we see conditions that go along with aging, such as menopause, osteoporosis, and others. What we find fascinating is that the work we do for IC and other chronic inflammatory disorders can very much help to ease the aging process and prevent the otherwise commonly occurring degenerative diseases.
More and more, Western medicine is studying the GUT microbiome which ultimately substantiates the work that many of us in the alternative medicine world have been practicing for years. Today, we find two such studies which are very interesting if you have both IC and osteoporosis illuminating the connection between GUT microbiome balance and bone regrowth. These two articles are discussing specifically the impact that probiotics have on the GUT balance and bone growth, but I would like to add that it does not stop there. While probiotics are largely impactful on the GUT microbiome and balance so are a host of other supplements including many Chinese herbs. We do not apply the use of these supplements in the same way Western medicine does which helps us to understand why such supplements can work so well. However, having both paradigms to rely on only increases one's understanding of these conditions and the treatments being used for them.
These are great reads. I am citing the links below: