Interesting Article on Glycemic Load and its Effect on Cancer

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I have said this so many times and more and more research is coming out to substantiate the argument for how adversly sugar effects the human body including cancer. This is an exerpt of a full article, but, you get the gist:



cprince's picture

I have a really good friend just recently diagnosed with mouth cancer and is going to have pretty radical surgery removing some teeth and at least part of her hard palate, if not all. Her Dr's say they have no real explanation why she got it, no risk factors, other than being just "dumb luck!" Like you are always telling us, there is always a reason for our flares, and I imagine the same goes for there has to be a reason for the cells to grow abnormally?! There is a really high incidence of reoccurrence with this type of cancer. I wonder if she were to make some changes in her diet if it would improve her outcomes? Hoping for the best! Interesting read, thanks for sharing!

drbrizman's picture

in diet and lifestyle can absolutely change her odds. There is so much information out there on cancer--so much! Cutting sugar and junk food, etc.. will help and is fundamental. I would suggest she find an holistic practitioner to consult with or even look at all the things on line. There are so many people doing so many things.

cprince's picture

Thanks! I will have to do some searching so I can provide her some light recovery reading!:)  We discussed alternative treatment briefly, but know she has a lot to process at the moment.  Anything to improve her healing and decrease her chances of reoccurrence would be great!

calieve's picture

Good article, thanks for sharing.