Maintaining What you have Worked Hard For

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Every once in a while an older patient having gone through treatment and having been well for a long while will come in in crisis. It happened this week and it reminded me to remind each of you a few important things:

1) dont forget to preserve what you have worked hard to ear-balance in your body.

2) Many things upset this balance and just because something feels good for a while, doesn't mean it will continue to do so after you reach its cumulative effect

3) be careful to drink bottled spring water, watch out for excess sugars and alcohol, be cautious about taking other supplements which may upset the balance you have worked hard to achieve, don't start eating fungal foods, don't do laser treatments on yourself without careful consideration-these often lead to unwanted reaction, be careful what you put on your body in terms of skin care and hair care.

There is more, but, these are at the top of my list this week because this person came in having done several of these things and really felt unwell. Many people can drink a bit after treatment, but drinking lots and eating lots of sugar and doing things in excess in this manner and then doing something like laser treatments is really disruptive to your internal balance. Moderation is the best road when it comes to health-try to live by that-it keeps you healthy!
