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I have posted numerous articles before about the concerns of toxins in municipal water supply. This article concerns people in or near Pennsylvania or who drink spring water housed in PA-maybe. I am not sure, but, if either of these two apply to you, perhaps you should explore the situation further.

Water is an enormous subject when it comes to IC, and I am no water scientist, but, I do know that anything but Spring water will not do when it comes to IC and, all spring waters are not equal. 

Please read this article all three parts:



Dasha's picture

Is there a brand of spring water that you recommend?

drbrizman's picture

This depends on where you are in the country/world.

Dasha's picture

I am in Florida

drbrizman's picture

I have had one patient do really well over there on Mountain Valley-that is first choice.Other water I think you can get there is Zephyrellis-I dont think this is the best water, but, I have had another patient do fantastically well on it. There are others I am sure, but, off the top of my head, I don't know. I think I am going to do a survey post and see if a few people respond. There are not enough people actually participating on the site to get thorough information.

Dasha's picture

I drink Zephyrhills Spring Water, it's ok I guess.