Not IC, but Critically Important

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I have not even gotten half way through this, it's going to take me until later today to do it. It is long. However, this is a stunning video on the health effects of Florescent lighting.

I have almost all florescent lights in my house because of my efforts in trying to be kinder to our environment. OMG. So far, although it requires less energy, a good thing. It is MUCH more toxic-not so good for both us and the environment and perhaps, just by sitting on our lamp!

As I said, I am half way through. I felt I wanted to post right away.



cprince's picture

This is very scary information! We have been looking at switching to LED bulbs! They are very expensive initially, but are very energy efficient, they say can last close to 10 years. LED also state they contain no toxic chemicals, such as mercury! I imagine safer for our health and environment, but who knows anymore! Thanks for sharing!

selichan's picture

Thank you Matia. This is really informative and scarry. We recently switched to LED at home, and I love the quality of the light, it almost made me happier cause it was very close to day light.

MinnieMouse's picture

Oh my this IS scary. I'm glad you posted this.  I wonder what the best way is to dispose of these bulbs.  

MinnieMouse's picture

Just found the answer to my own question, thought I'd post what I found. I have some of these bulbs and want to throw them out ASAP. There is a really neat website called Earth 911 that you can search for recycling centers near you specifically by what your wanting to throw away. Just type in CFLs and then your location in the green search bar up top.  Just found out my local Lowes does CFL recycling. Awesome! Here's the link

drbrizman's picture

This is great information! Thank you! Crazy enough over the weekend, we had a cfl bulb break with my children in the room! I would not have known what to do if not for this article.

cprince's picture

Yeah, I wish I would have known a few months ago, just how dangerous CFL's really were! I had one break in our bathroom and didn't think much about it! Yikes, there goes a few more of my precious brain cells! Time to put my husband to work recycling our bulbs and replacing them with the LED's we have been putting off purchasing! Thanks for sharing Minnie!

MinnieMouse's picture

You're welcome! I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why these are legal to sale to the public. It's mercury for crying out loud. NOT okay.