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Most have you have noticed, I am sure that I took pork off my lists. I have been very perplexed by it and finally feeling very unsure to advocate it, so I took it off. I have noticed a couple of my bigger pork eater have not done so well and took them off of it. But, here is a great article about the subject: http://www.westonaprice.org/cardiovascular-disease/how-does-pork-prepared-in-various-ways-affect-the-blood


fahlmank's picture

A month after treatment, I took pork out of my diet independently because half of the time I ate it I would become sick to my stomach. It did not cause inflammation in my bladder, but there is evidence that it clearly did not promote healing in my digestive system. 
Further along in treatment, is marinated pork an option or is this a meat you would recommend avoiding long-term for us ICers?
If pork is an option later on, what sort of marinades would be appropriate for us?
Thank you Dr. B;)

drbrizman's picture

Looks like it is ok and should be fine later.

deir's picture

Dr Brizman- What about using pastured, non preserved lard for cooking?

drbrizman's picture

Now is a good question. But, I think from this article, I am getting the processed prok is ok. So, then lard would be ok because this has to be somewhat processed. I THINK.