Problem Hair

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I have problem hair for a few reasons--a big one owing to my overuse of yes, the flat iron. It has severely damaged my poor hair, but, I am stuck, with this long hair I dont want to cut and the problem of what to do with it.

I have to say though-now that I have been using the bomasense shampoo and conditioner-it makes it unbelievably smooth and is really incredible. The shampoo has gone through a few trasitions behind the scenes, but, is now (latest batches) new and improved and definitely the best shampoo I have ever used. And, I have bought pretty much every shampoo and conditioner under the sun.

Also and most importantly, a big problem with the bomasense products is that you cannot buy them locally and to order them, shipping was too expensive. I am hoping that they will be Whole Foods soon so that people will have instant access to them accross the states. I am working on this. Mean time, we finally made it possible to order through USPS and got a flat rate-so you can order many bottles of both bomasense products AND supplements for half the price you were paying before. And there are two flat rate prices one for a medium size box and one for a large in case you want to order more for later. I believe changes have been made for out of the country orders-please check with Raquel on this on the details.

You can go to bomasense website to get the prices-also Raquel can help if you call the office.


cprince's picture

That is great! I have been wanting to try more of your products, but always detered by the shipping cost. Can't wait to try the shampoo and conditioner!:) I also have such a terrible time finding safe products/shampoo to tame my crazy frizzy curly hair, and constant damage from using a flat iron. Thank you!:)