Generally after a person has started to experience the symptoms of IC, sex has already
become unbearable. There are few exceptions to this rule. The vaginal area is usually involved
and if not, penetration affects the bladder so much that it triggers all of the basic symptoms
the person is experiencing with hers or his IC so much that thinking about sex is out of the
It is commonly understood in Western medicine and otherwise that this dynamic may not be
changed. What I would like to communicate is that, as the body becomes better balanced, so
do the various other parts of one's physiological function such as sexual function.
The vaginal balance should become much more normalized. For example, if there is excessive
discharge and burning and itching-those symptoms should abate. Or if there is vaginal dryness, moisture should be returned. This is done by creating a better balance in the body as a whole, which in turn affects the targeted areas, one of which, is the genitalia.
I have seen sexual function return to a large percentage of people going through this therapy
who never thought that their sexual relationships would be something that would ever be
a part of their lives any longer.
Some of these people experienced almost instant bladder infections after intercourse- and
this is also something that may stop happening as the body becomes better balanced when
treated correctly and efficiently.
Sexuality and sensuality is a huge part of our beings. Being robbed of that, especially for
those who have been plagued by IC at a very young age, seems so unfair. And, one can
never get back time lost to the symptoms of this dreadful illness. But, one may look
to a time where, if treatment is successful that he or she may be able to regain his or her
sensuality and sexuality again.
There is hope for sex after IC!