So Much On My Mind and Not Enough Time

Facebook iconTwitter iconGoogle icon say it all. I have a moment, so I am going to share some thoughts now.


Someone said to me today that someone told her if she does not see an energy healer she will not get well because, according to this person, "IC is psychosomatic". I could not agree less.

I have to say, that while I have a lot of respect for other practitioners of all kinds, I find that finding an alternative plan that works for you and investing in that one thing is often the best course of treatment. From time to time an acute situaiton may arise which requires the attention of someone else, but, it is often not wise to embark upon criss cross philosophies. It would be like trying to cook a Chinese and Italian meal in one sitting and expect for it to be palatable for the persons enjoying the meal. It wont work. I have said this a lot, and I am so sorry, I know it offends many people. But, I am always honest about how I feel. I may be very gentle, but, I dont really sugar coat.

The second thing I want to underscore the importance of today is that the body/mind connection is htat-a connection. It is not a one way street but rather goes-two ways. So, it is a heavy load to place upon someone to say that they caused their IC by their thoughts. 

You may have certain thoughts and feeling based on much of what is happening to you physiologically just as it may be the other way around. I do think that implying someone has thought their way into IC is a burden someone does not need to have placed upon them, and while certainly our emotions effect us physically, our thoughts alone are not capable of creating IC no any illness in my opinion. there are always interwoven factors.

While I think taking a deeper look into your own spirituality, psyche, and emotional life is very important and spending time with yourself in self contemplation is very useful to this process, I have had many people over the years also get well without ever taking one look at themselves emotionally or spiritually and they didnt even really believe in what I was doing. So, how would someone explain that? 

Please don't let people talk you into thinking you have done this to yourself, you haven't. There are so many things that create illness and it requires a gentle untangling of this complicated web to find your road to health. Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself. forgive others. Don't hold on to negative emotions or place blame on anyone or anything. And, take the tanglible steps you need to take whatever that path may be to getting well. But, try to focus on something. MOre isn't better, it is just confusing.








deir's picture

Thank you so much for this.

Samara's picture

NIcely said in all ways. :)