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This is a nice article about sugar, but only begins to describe how destructive it is. Sugar is rampant in our society, it it everywhere-so difficult to avoid. I get so frustrated as a mother because it is so hard to keep my children from it, and, in order to prevent eating disorders later in their lives, I do allow them to have some sugar in things (very limited) so that they don't start hanging out at their friend's houses hroding goodies behind my back! It is a fine line we have to walk as parents. But the more you can get sugar out of your life and the lives of your children, the better off everyone will be. It causes a lot of disease and inflammation in the body and there is just not enough awareness on the subject.


Christine222's picture

The link doesn't work : (

flygirlsam's picture

Great article! My neighbor just had a stent put in his clogged artery and is getting loaded up with meds and starting a vegan diet to try to reverse his heart disease.  He keeps asking my opinion and I am avoiding him as I just don't agree with the current protocol out there.  But when people like Bill Clinton are doing it and having success, it's hard to change people's minds.  Anyway, I will send him this article, thank you!

Clueless's picture

Does this mean processed sugar?  What about natural sugars like honey, molasses, maple syrup, etc. 

drbrizman's picture

Is what it is referring to here. Natural sugars, in my opinion are fine as far as I am concerned-in moderation of course. 

cprince's picture

I was blessed to have parents that were great at limiting my sugar content, only juice and the occasional treat until I was 5. My mom would bake sweets, but I was never interested in eating it. My brother and I were probably the only kids fighting over who would get the heart of the celery!:) I am so thankful for my parents doing this early on to set up better eating habits from the get go. I know now that sugar is in absolutely everything! Have to read and re-read every label to ensure it dose not contain sugar! I can only imagine what my health would be like if I wouldn't have had at least limited amounts of sugar! My work sends a daily reminder of how dangerous bad eating habits (i.e. eating sugar) really is. Very scary to know what the general population will look like if this continues!

deir's picture

I struggle with this with my kids too. what used to be a sometimes treat for our culture- like a candy apple at a parade,cotton candy at an amusement park or a slice of birthday cake has become a daily part of the mainstream diet. I get so frustrated with teachers handing out candy and allowing sweets at every turn. I also don't want to raise kids who obsess over it and want to sneak it. Forget about the teen years....Just today I saw this boy drinking the MOST enormous slurpy. I couldn't help but say to my 8 yr old "When you're a teenager- don't waste your money on those giant drinks- they'll just make you sick" Really not sure if I say the right things! Yes- it is tough to walk that line.