Many symptoms can come along with rebalancing the body in the treatment of chronic illness.
Often, they can be uncomfortable and sometimes even scary. I have described much of this in other areas of this site and, of course, in great detail in my dissertation, which, is rich with research, clinical experience, and a lot of detailed information regarding my work and understanding of IC and its related chronic conditions.
Working together to get through the uncomfortable symptoms that come up is really
important, and of course monitoring them carefully and involving your MD if and when
necessary. Typically it is not necessary bc the symptoms are very transient. By the time you could make an appointment to go see your MD the symptoms would be gone in most cases.
The symptoms vary greatly so I am sure I will not name them all, but basically, as your body is going through the adjustments of becoming rebalanced it will release outward through the skin, upper orifices or lower orifices. One could experience skin itching (anywhere, commonly in the ears or genital tissue--this could be in the form of eczema or psoriasis), edema, transient ear discomfort, headache, sore throat, swollen glands, body aches-especially of the joints-big ones such as hips and shoulders are very common and can be quite severe at times-these often also occur prior to treatment and when so will definitely go through cycles of being worse before improving), lethargy, cloudy headedness, vaginal discharge that appears to be much like a full blown yeast infection, acne on the face of other areas commonly the upper back, nasal congestion or full blown cold/fly symptoms, bloating and gas (this often occurs prior to treatment, gets exacerbated a bit and then improves tremendously), blurry vision, sound and smell sensitivities, and more.
I am posting this because I have had a lot of questions lately regarding this subject, and I can see the anxiety these symptoms may provoke at times. I am not the only alternative practitior that discusses these kind of reactions, but, definitely these reactions are common in these kinds of treatments-especially with IC. However, how and if these symptoms occur depends on how one became ill in the first place, their constitution, and other factors. So, you may experience one of these things or none of these things. I have seen symptoms occur in many different ways
over the years as people improve in their condition.
I am simply posting to give an added layer of information and understanding to those of you who may be experiencing symptoms that are making you feel anxious. Please always let me
know what is going on though, so that I can help guide you appropriately!
Hi Matia,
my bladder has been more sensative lately and nothing has changed in my diet
or herbs. Is that die off? It is not severe so I have not been to concerned. At
what point should I be concerned that something is more then die off as far
as the bladder is concerned?
Bladder sensitivity can sometimes happen during this process, although it is something that I try to control and optimally don;t want to have happen. But, this is something that can happen acceptably in a shortlived manner. If you are having a hard time discerning your situation, pleasealways let me know.