EVERYONE PLEASE READ!!!! GARDASIL HAS DESTROYED MY LIFE! I am 24 years old and a year and a half ago I was graduating college and planning to be a professional dancer and go to law school...I was perfectly healthy and energetic! In February of 2007 I received my first Gardasil shot. After a few days I started to feel as though I had a Urinary Tract Infection and was also feeling more tired than usual. The doctor gave me an antibiotic and sent me on my way. In May of 2007 I received my second Gardasil shot and yet again, a few days later I started to feel like I was getting another Urinary Tract Infection. I went to the doctor numerous times between the second and third shot...all for bladder and urinary tract pain. For months I was on different antibiotics and they were not making the pain go away. After visiting a number of urologists, I found out that the urine cultures had all been coming back negative - showing no sign of an infection, so the antibiotics were pointless. All tests that I had run, both blood and urine came back normal. It is not standard procedure for a doctor to call you if your test results come back normal, but there was clearly something wrong, so I searched for a urologist who would believe me that I wasn't making up the pain I was in. In August 2007, I had a cystoscopy done (they took a scope and went into the bladder to look in the bladder wall) and they concluded that I have an incurable bladder disease called Interstitial Cystitis. This is a condition where there becomes a defect in the bladder wall causing it not to have the protective mucus layer inside of it. The pictures of inside my bladder show red, raw skin, obviously showing the severity of my case of it. There is no evidence as to what causes Interstitial Cystitis, and there is no proven successful way of treating it. The initial signs are exactly the same as a Urinary Tract Infection (painful bladder spasms, painful urination, body aches and back pain). The main difference is the fact that it is not an infection. There are thousands of people with Interstitial Cystitis who are misdiagnosed as having chronic Urinary Tract Infections. I received my third Gardasil shot in October of 2007 and that is when EVERYTHING fell apart. The bladder pain became constant and there has not been one minute in a day since that shot I have not been in unbearable pain. This is when everything else in my body began to crash down as well. The other health problems and side effects from the Gardasil that I am having are constant sore throat, vicious migraines, vision changes, back pain, body aches, joint pain, sinus problems, vomiting, constipation, dizziness...I could keep going on forever! I have tried all of the conventional treatment for Interstitial Cystitis and have gotten NO relief from the pain and other side effects. The doctors didn't know what to do, so they put me on OxyContin and a diet consisting of no acidic foods. That has now posed its own set of problems seeing as now my body is addicted to the narcotic, and I have gone from 5'6'' 125lbs to 100lbs over the course of a year due to the diet. I am extremely malnourished and have to take B12 vitamin shots once a week due to the severe anemia. I am 24 years old, and feel like I am 100. I can not live a normal life, I am going to lose my job from numerous absences, I lost my fiancé and am not able to have an intimate relationship anymore, I am extremely depressed, I have to have my family clean my apartment because I am too sick to do it, I can not do social activities because I am too tired and in pain. This vaccine has DESTROYED my life! I am desperately seeking out someone else who is having bladder problems due to the Gardasil so that I can contact an attorney. This needs to be OFF the market a soon as possible so that it does not run any other lives! Gardasil has caused some deaths, but in my mind, I'd rather die than live with the pain I am having. I did notice there are some posts regarding girls getting urinary tract infections... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have your urine cultured because there is a good chance it may be Interstitial Cystitis! I am desperately looking for someone who is having some of these symptoms so that I can go to a lawyer and get something going before things like this happen: Numerous states are pushing to make it mandatory that girls receive the vaccine before they enter the 6th grade. We can not let this happen! We all need to stick together and somehow fight this and get out lives back! Let me know if you are IN - and also what you thought about my post! You can email me at ****** Bless All of You! *~Amber~*
Gardisil sounds so familiar to me but I forget what it is ? Is this for the HPV virus? thanks for posting!!
Yes, for HPV virus!
I looked Gardisil up on line, and there are a lot of side effects listed, IC not being one of them of course. It also says that Gardisil might not protect everyone, and they aren't even sure how long the protection lasts. An annual exam is still recommended. You have to wonder if the benefits outweigh the risks. Doctors seem to push drugs without knowing or caring about the harm they might produce. This lady is one sad case. I wonder how many more there are. AND as for oxycontin, that stuff is over prescribed and addiction is almost a certainty.
Truly this scares me so bad! How terrible!Matia -I wonder if its possible if you get IC from something like this if you can remove the vaccine from your body? Is it in you forever? I don't know if this somehow was my straw but I had received vaccinations for hepatitus B? I think? for a job requirement and I had only recived 1 or 2 out of the 3 shots.I never got the last shot- I didn't take the job and ended up moving but pretty soon after that is when my bladder and kidney issues developed? I sometimes wonder if that an impact on my Ic development. If so does that mean that my body is altered nagatively for life? I hope she gets help and answers. there is sooo much pressure and acceptance for vaccines and I feel like they are potentially really harmful. How can you prove that they are harmful? I think the vaccine companies would say- how can you say we caused your IC? This is so disturbing to me. They run the commercials for Gardasil constantly!Mary
Answers to these questions
I rec'd this post from a firend who participates on a parent site in LA called Peachhead. This is all I know about the post, it was passed on to me through an email. As for vaccines causing IC: That is not the only point. Not all vaccines cause IC. It does seem that that is what this one did for this particular woman. I have listened to many stories about many different drugs having played a part in the creation of IC. Drugs such as antibiotics, antifungals, vaccines, birth control pills, drugs t that alter hormones in other ways, NSAIDS (ibuprofen, etc...). The damage caused by these drugs is a part of what we are dealing with in treating IC. This is not something that you get out of your body, but a condition in the body that now must be contended with and changed. The body is thrown completely out of balance once IC has set in and getting the body back in balance and restoring its previously healthy state is the job of the practitioner helping patients with chronic disease.
Medications and IC
Hi there! I am new here.
I was diagnosed with mild IC and pelvic floor dysfunction in June of 2008. I found a good urologist in Denver named Nel Gerig, but she uses modern Western treatment and I am searching for some other options. I've always been into a more natural approach when possible. I have a nutritionist who eliminated gluten and dairy from my diet, but I continue to eat animal protein and fish in moderation and tons of fruits (not citrus), veggies and legumes. I feel wonderful in most aspects except for my bladder. People are amazed at how great I look and can't believe I'm not well.
I am an airline pilot and have been out of work due to my illness almost a year. The main reason is due to the sedative drugs (the standard IC treatment of Elavil, Hydroxizine and Elmiron) which are not permitted by the FAA. I'm trying to find answers. I feel like I have a full time job trying to get well, between my new eating lifestyle, workouts, physical therapy, yoga and deep breathing for the PFD, and now psychotherapy to try to find a mental breakthrough with some losses I've suffered recently. I've made progress in the last 10 months but have stagnated. I feel about 90% there on the medication, but in order to go back to flying I have to be off them. So I'm giving it a few more months and then I'm going to start with alternative medicine. I'm slated to go back to flying in July.
Anyway, my main question is this: I had been on birth control for over 15 years. The most recent one, Nuvaring, was causing me very bad headaches, almost daily. I started to think I was allergic to the airplane, as my headaches seemed to happen mostly while flying, or maybe I just noticed them more there as it was hard to do my job due to the pain. I decided to go off birth control completely to try to get my body back to a more natural state and cleanse it of years of toxins. My IC symptoms BEGAN suddenly one day within 2 months of stopping the Nuvaring. When I suggested this to my doctor she of course brushed it off. When I suggested it to the nutritionist, he said maybe, but more likely it was just a build up of toxins from eating wheat and dairy and an overacidic environment in the body. Like I said, I've been off the pill for over a year now and my IC isn't "cured" so it may not have been from that. I guess, in the end, it doesn't matter what caused it, but I keep thinking perhaps my hormones just need to settle down and I'll feel better. In my good efforts to get more natural, I then got punished with IC and now am on multiple prescriptions for it! Not to mention all the ridiculous antibiotics I had to take while other docs tried to cure my "UTI" over 2 months before finding Dr. Gerig who knew it was IC right away. I was happy to find her and I have gotten to a certain point with her, but just not back to myself.
Welcome flygirlsam
Welcome to ICAMA you might think about putting your post in the support forums I had to track your name when I saw we had a new member it's the only way I found you.
If I were you I would get started on list two the legumes fruits and nuts are just not good for ICers in the begining but as you heal you will be able to add them back in.
I am sorry you are not able to work in your field your not a lone there and you will get your life back if you choose to Dr with Matia. She is truly a wonderful Dr and is the only one I know of who can truly heal IC. Your over all health will transform. She will be able to ween you off those meds and make you feel better so you can return to work and have a better life then you did even before you got sick. It sounds like your doing some positve things with the yoga and psychotherapy emotions can play a big roll in IC.
I can tell you I am struggling with the hormones my self I think it plays a major roll and I know that birth control is a major cause of Candida that really throws the body out of balance and leads to further disease. IF it were me I would get on a plane to LA and see Matia as soon as possible you can get well start the diet. and get your life back.
You have made the right choice by comming to ICAMA I wish you the best and I hope to get to know you
This email seems incomplete.
This email seems incomplete. Do you have the entire address? or can you tell us where to find this post?
If u click on 'areneectc' (highlighted in blue) at the top of the post, it takes u to medications.com which seems to be a discussion on medication side-effects.