What Can you Feel But Not Touch?

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Emotion! The reaction that a person has to thoughts, to words, to expression of emotion are so powerful. They are energy. They effect us each every day every moment of our lives. We are not even always aware of just how much they are affecting us. This morning on my way to work I was thinking about this topic and wanting to discuss specifically the healing effects of love particularly. Loving yourself, being in a loving realtionship(s), giving love. Giving love is another especially important way to feel and experieince love and healing. There are all kinds of ways to give love. Giving love to someone in need, reaching your arms out to hug a friend, kissing your little one or spouse. But, basically, being in the moment--present for someone. Holding and creating loving moments to the maximum. The expressions that come from you create the reality around you and affect all those who are in your presence. OK, so perhaps this sounds a bit "airy fairy", but, this is what was on my mind this morning. Then I opened the following article, and was reminded from a different perspective on how powerful our beings are. The article is on depression and meditation, and how meditation was found to be more effective in treating depression than prescription medication. So, I am not the only one left of center:)