When I first started treating IC....

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....there were really only western medical options out there. People were getting urethral dialations and DMSO treatments and doing extremely poorly. I look back at that time and cannot believe how much has changed.

Over the years I have developed this treatment that I offer for my patients. And, over the years, I have improved upon my own techniques, and I do believe that improvement continues as each month and year pass.
It seems that I am able to get people feeling more comfortable much faster these days than I used to be able to do. But, within that journey, at the same time, I believe the expectation of improvement has also increased.

So, I want to remind each of you. This is a very difficult condition, and the journey to "getting your life back", as many people put it, is really lengthy and difficult. This is not an easy road, but, it is a road that you can choose to take or to not take. Clearly, Western medication and procedures are certainly an option for many. PEople who choose this road however, are typically not inclined toward taking that road. This kind of treatment either resonates with you as a human being or it doesn't. Like everything in life, I (my treatment) am not for everyone.

If you do choose this road, please remember, health is not static, it is dynamic. And, when endeavoring to regain the body's healthy balance, the balance is even more delicate and more dynamic. It is effected by everything-time of day, food, hormonal shifts, interactions with other people, emotions, energy oputput, sleep, environmental issues-(especially new ones-as in remodeling etc....)

This is not a magic bullet, this is a change in the way you live your life. This treatment is a struggle toward bringing balance and healthful ideas and food into your life and body to bring your cells the nourishment they need to serve you more efficiently,

Please know that the encouragement that I offer is not for the purpose of getting new patients or just being kind. I embrace the things I endeavor to teach because I care and want to help those who want this kind of health. I am plenty busy, and have no need to sell people on anything.

There are certainly people I have not helped, but, that list is so miniscule in comparison to the list of people I have helped that it should not be of great concern in thinking you may be one of them. This is hard work even for those who seem to go through it with more ease.

I have never looked back on the changes I have made in my own life. I dont drink, I dont eat sugar, I eat healthfully, I think healthfully and I embrace althernative medicine completely. Of course, if I were to get into an accident, I would head straight to the ER, but, in terms of chronic health, I am alternative all the way.
This is a belief system that take time to udnerstand, to assimilate into your own being. And, as I said, it is not for everyone. It starts with what you think, and what you eat and can go all the way to what chemicals you put in your swimming pool and what pain you put on your walls. I do npt try to promote paranoia however, I believe we are all surrounded by many things that are not healthy. We have to do our best with our means and with our bodies. So, we try and make ourselves as healthy as possible so our body can contend with all that it must around us. And if we do that, our pluses will far outweigh our minuses and we will be healthy as a consequence.

Part of those pluses, in my opinion, is healthy diet and the taking of natural supplements to deal with our health instead of medication. So much of western medication is based on supressing symptoms. This is not something we want to do, as it weakens the plus side. So, the alternative treatments are not designed to do the same thing that Western medicine is designed to do, it's function is to work with the homeodynamics of the body instead of supressing an isolated symptom. OFten people say natural treatments take longer because they are not as strong. But, it isnt that they are not as strong, it is that the time required to effect these kinds of changes is much longer.

I fear I am rambling a bit. But, I had many thoughts running through my head over the past weeke and wanted to communicate them to you. I hope a few made it!




lolo's picture

Dear dear  Dr M....
YES, YES and YES....
I so appreciate your open honest communication and your integrity 
AND mostly, your healing wisdom and education.
I am currently having to deal with the allopathic world and the different approach is unfathomable
 I am shocked to experience this and can't imagine how I would survive without knowing you are there for me.
This, as well as your successful treatment of my  IC condition....it is scary to think our paths may not have crossed.
and so, my thank-yous continue with heartfelt hopes for your continued practice and healing  journey

drbrizman's picture

Thank you for those sweet words! I carry them in my heart:)

calieve's picture

Thanks so much for posting this. I am so fortunate to have found you. I knew I had so many things wrong with me, and all the meds, and procedures I was doing were just giving me more problems. I am so thankful that you do what you are do, and are able to help people like me. This is a long process but I know that I am actually healing and becoming balanced again. Before when I was on western meds, I was just becoming more imbalanced and more sick.... Now I know that I am getting better, and this is the life I have been waiting for. It is so great to not be where I was at a year ago. In pain every other day, and thinking I was going to be like that the rest of my life.... I am so happy now, thank you for doing what you do!

flygirlsam's picture

Thank you-you are wonderful!

Christine222's picture

Your not rambling... I totally get what you are saying. After being with you for 14 months I am well on my way to feeling 100%.... ok I am at 90% right now, but I am close and I owe it all to you! I know what you mean about pluses and minuses... I do it every day with every decision I make and I hope upon hope that the pluses will continue to outweigh the negatives! Thank you for all you do!

fahlmank's picture

Dr. M-Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Although I have been in treatment less than a year, my life has changed in so many rewarding ways. I am so thankful I have found your treatment and made the choice to follow this path;)
I shared this with you the other day on our phone conversation, but it is worth repeating for those new to treatment.......Whereas a year ago I was asking myself "How I could make it through the day?"... I am now headed back to teaching in the fall and asking myself "How will I handle this situation while teaching?" and realizing the answer is a more confident one! 
Truly... thank you for listening to me while I struggle, question and work to rebalance myself.

cprince's picture

I can't thank you enough for your patience and reassurance as we all go through our ups and downs on this difficult path. I will never regret my decision to take the leap of faith and put my health in your hands. I am so thankful I have the ability to truly heal rather than trying to continue to mask symptoms to just survive day to day! It is posts like this that allow me to really appreciate the decision I made and reflect on how far I have come. Thanks for giving me the strength and encouragement to keep my head up and pushing along. I know I have a long way to go, but with your expertise and kind heart I will make it through!:)

lynette's picture

I agree so utterly and completely with all your words and today, reading them it has given me a real boost to keep working hard in transforming my life physically, mentally and emotionally.  I have had a few trying days symptom wise of late so thank you from the bottom of my heart for your post, it has been of great encouragement to me.