Someone asked me today to briefly discuss why antibiotics are not a good idea. OK, this
is a long and involved subject. And, in my book, it is all explained. But, briefly, it has
been my experience that antibiotics actually exacerbate the underlying cause of any
bacterial issues present in chronic illnesses. Antibiotics are, in fact, one of the major
contributing factors of IC and other chronic illnesses in my humble opinion. So, when
one is taking antibiotics to mend a situation in which a bacterial imbalance has been
diagnosed or surmised, in chronic illness, then one is only furthering the disease
progression by giving the body exactly what it had too much of in the first place.
Antibiotics may sometimes have dramatic side effects, and its contributing factors
in IC and how that all works is why, again, in my opinion. Then to make matters worse,
when you take them over time overgrowth of yeast occurs, and this only further cements
in the disease by complicating it even more. Herbal treatments and diet can be hand
tailored and are designed, when used well, to create a process of getting the body back
into balance. They are never meant to be used in a static manner. As the person
improves, the prescription changes so that one is only taking what one needs to get to
the next step. this fluid process is what creates a slow rebalancing of a person's
physiological processes and may restore well being. This process involves an holistic
approach in that it will affect all body systems including a huge impact on emotional
well being. So that the mind and body both become in better balance.
I dont know if this answers the questions that are coming up for people. But, I hope it
does. If you want to delve into the depths of it, then definitely read my book, it
goes over all of this. And, I will try and get some of my patients that diverted to
antibiotics and dropped them and cam back to just this treatment to
post if I can.
I agree with what you are
I agree with what you are saying - clearly antibiotics arent not always ideal but they do help a lot of people.Take for example when somebody has a really painful infection of the kidney which has been passed from the bladder. This can be life threatning (my sister had this) & the pain she was in was horrific. A herbal approach might be better in the long run, but takes longer which could put the patient at risk of death in this instance. As we are all know, we cant cure IC will herbs & diet overnight. It takes time.My sister has 100% health and no further problems post antibiotics. It worked for her & hasnt caused further complications.On the flip side repeated antibiotic treatment is terrible for the immune system & health - even a western doc would agree with you on that point.Dont get me wrong - I'm all for treating things naturally - after all my IC would have got worse if I hadnt been treated by you :) I just feel its impornat not to totally write off antibiotics as a medication in all instances.Thats just my 2 cents....
I agree in that there are instances that are life threatening in when one needs antibiotics. But, even with infections like Kidney infections, pneumonia, and other serious infections, vital or bacterial herbs can work quite swiftly and quite effectively. the reason that the treatment for IC is slow is bc the condition has become so systemic and compromised so much cellular balance and tissue integrity. Even though your sister is fine, as many people are after antibiotic use,many people are not fine for years after. However, these instances are moreso bcthese same people have been over prescribed antibiotics through their life. In these cases people can have life altering events that in some cases permanently change people.Having said all of that though, I do totally agree, thank goodness we have them when we need them. I just dont think we need them in IC.
Chinese herbs for UTI' /Kidney infection /strep
I have been wanting to make a post on this subject and was so glad to see Matia's post. I have had two separate illnesses lately that I would have treated with antibiotics in the past. I came down with a UTI about a month after starting treatment with Matia. I was terrified about taking antibiotics and emailed Matia. She prescribed herbs. When I started taking the herbs the infection had already moved to my left kidney. I felt terrible. I was amazed how quickly the herbs made me feel better. Much faster than my experiences with antibiotics. I was treated successfully! My bladder came through feeling great. Then the other day my daughter came down with strep throat. She had only had it one time before and it had been a nightmare. The first antibiotic didn't work and after 4 agonizing days they switched her to another antibiotic. This time I asked Matia if strep throat could be treated with herbs. Yes, it could and we started my daughter on the herbs. She made a very rapid recovery. Within 36 hours she felt fine. She continued to take the herbs for 7 days. I am so thankful that my daughter and I are in treatment with Matia and that her knowledge is available to us. I agree that antibiotics have there place but know that there are alternatives.
Thanks for that post! IT is a great one. I thought about it last night and I have been typing quickly these days bc I have a lot going on. I wanted to say so much more about this subject. IT is not that antibiotics are bad, they are great. But, with all medicine, the trick isto know when to prescribe what. If you are in the hospital unable to move from the painof an infection, then a good idea to take antibiotics. If you are home and thinking to yourselfwow, I feel just awful with this sore throat and chest pain and I better go see my doc forantibiotics--probably a good time to get herbs. I have had years of experience treatingmany kinds of infections that would have otherwise been treated with antibiotics. But,even with that said, there are situations where you need to take them. Again, those aretypically in hospital type settings. We have so many problems with resistant bacteria these days, and that is because we use them too too much! So, not only are they badfor our individual immune systems. They are bad for our societal immune system andour ability to combat serious illnesses. They have also become immune to many of the sterilization techniques for some medical equipment such as catheters. Catheters andother types of medical equipment may often carry what is called bio-films, which arecolonies of bacteria and fungi of many types that get together in an actual colony andhelp one another survive and resist anything used to kill them. Bio-films may be presentinside the human body as well and may also play a part in the resistance in IC. Althoughin IC it is a lot more complicated than just that. I am dealing with a patient right nowwho has been dealing with tragic side effects of an antibiotic for an infection that hasbeen going on for a year now. Really awful.So, all in all, it is good to know WHEN to use WHAT. Just KNOW, you have a choice!
Remedies to Have In Your "Medicine" Cabinet
For those who might of missed it, Matia had a great blog recently about herbs to have on hand. It's under Remedies to Have In Your "Medicine" Cabinet. Also know that you can get herbs from Matia very quickly. I had to have my herbs sent overnite to me with both of the illnesses mentioned before but it was worth every penny! I just wish I'd already had them on hand .
can we purchase the herbs for
can we purchase the herbs for our medicine cabinets from Matia? I would love to have them on hand, and saw that Matia said she would eventually have them online I think, but I wasn't sure if that happened yet.
We had a shopping cart up for a few days but had behind the scenes problems we are trying to work out. Mean time you can order them through Raquel no problem!