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Ok I had a symptom free day yesterday. I was woken up this morning at 3am by really severe burning in the urethra. I have never had burning like this...my IC was always urgency and frequency. I have been on the program since November. Does anyone else experience this terrible burning and please tell me this isn't permanent because I seem to be gaining symptoms rather than losing them and boy am I fedup with it :o(

lovemyangels's picture

My symptoms for IC sound like yours, just the frequency and urgency.
I always get burning when i have an infection.  That is the only way I can tell the difference.  I know you made a post earlier in the week about maybe having an infection.  Perhaps this is the same thing.  I would email matia or maybe get the test strips from the drug store that you can do at home if you think it may be an infection.
I hope it gets better for you.
Sorry chica.

nicole's picture

could be a yeast infection as well. I had one this week no discarge at first so i didn't realize. Something told me to do my normal routien  (garlic clove peeled and insert) next day gobs of discharge I did it again pain subsides inflamation down. I had no sign of this other then unexplained exream increase in my burning now i have burning every DAY but this was off the chart. I have to say I love my garlic . oh btw you will smell like garlic out your pores for the few days. two days tops tho.

Ria Chantler's picture
Ria Chantler

Sorry to sound ignorant you do what with the garlic lol?I think it must be yeast or something...I just don't get it. Yesterday symptom free...not a dicky bird. Today, agonising burning ect again. I am also irritated round my lady parts and although I wouldn't say it's thrush, it is annoying and isn't great on top of the bladder symptoms. I have ordered some of that oil of oregano as well hope that helps I want to be amputated from the waist down grumble grumble!!!

Hopeful's picture

interested in the knowing about using the garlic, and how? Sorry... but is the something you can do for just burning on the outside (and or inside) like a flare or just when you have a yeast infection?? Can you explain what it does?Thanks 

nicole's picture

garlic.. I use like a suppository. I take the garlic clove peel off the skin then I take a peeler and just shave a little off to expose the juice and I insert vaginally. People think i am crazy because if your having burning it sounds intense. It does burn for a few min but for me it subsides. I just keep it up there sometimes it will come out durning a bm so I just put a new one in. I do this for a day max it takes two days but I usually get relief after one day. When i get increase burning out of the blue I do this and it almost always works. Matia didn't advise me to do this but she knows I do it and as long as it doesn't hurt me she said it was ok. It works the fastest out of anything I have done.