ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! we lvoe you. Don't even think of giving up

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You won't give up. We need you too much. Everyone of your success windows is a ray of light for the rest of us. We won't even let you think of giving up. I called and texted you three times today. Think how much I am going to bug you if you don't check in soon on ICAMA. There is no where else to go. YOU ARE MAKIING HUGE PROGRESS. Bonnie


PS Evie and Chris won't let you.

pterzwife's picture

Spelling is actually "love" in case I was wondering.

Pixie's picture

Love YOU! So good to hear :)

Mariposa's picture


cprince's picture

Yay! So glad you are up and at em today! Great news!:)

Mimij67's picture

Hi Ally!!!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.