Hi All:
i have reached the sad and scary conclusion- tentative of course as everything in this mental state is- that I need to go on antidepressants.
It is painful to even write this but I am becoming undone by so little progress (if any) on the knees in the last 6 months and I am developing an agitated depression which makes it very difficult for me to sleep, eat and function.
how am I supposed to balance this as against Dr. B saying that it may interfere with treatment?
this is hard hard hard. I can see myself becoming someone else in my family's eyes. I have always been strong and physically capable.
Boy, I hope something easier lies ahead.
give me your thoughts, please.
Love, Bonnie
I think it is important to
I think it is important to have a plan as that will give you some peace of mind. Could you encorporate into your plan that you are going to employ some regular stress management and anxiety management strategies first, for say, 2 weeks? And then tell yourself that if you need to, in "two weeks" or whatever time frame you can imagine, that the antidepressants will be your safety net? In the meantime, work in all of the strategies that we have talked about? (Sedona and others?). You don't have to believe they are going to work. Just commit to trying them every day, and check and see how things shift? You are not your IC. You are an infinite being. You can teach your yourself to remember this in this moment and the next moment, and the next. You are fighting everything. You can (we can) learn to let go of some of this, and then, only then, can it change! I don't know if pills are the answer. Could you accept (through the Sedona Method that we are studying) the invitation to let go of some of these thoughts you are having about your healing, that are merely thoughts, and see where that leaves you? Two weeks from now you could decide what is next.
Much love,
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Bonnie, do you have
Bonnie, do you have experience with antidepressants? Were they effective? I am not against them after careful consideration.
There is a place for pills
There is a place for pills when everything else failed.
Bonnie Im so sorry you are
Bonnie Im so sorry you are going through this. You have come this far with everything else & you will with this too. I just went off my antideppressant last week & surprisingly my bladder is holding up ok but my sleep is awful. I thought i would have terrible side effects because I didnt wean but none. It depends on what someone is on so please dont anyone try this. Look at all of the support & prayers you have. It will happen...please dont give up.
I am really sad to hear how hard things have gotten for you. At my worst, I only suffered for 8-9 weeks and I was at my wits end. I fought tooth and nail to avoid any conventional medication. I wasn't a fraction of a normal human being with my insomnia, high anxiety, pain and spasms. So I have a lot of compassion for you lasting as long as you have. I would encourage you to hang in there but only you can know your endurance. I am early in treatment and don't feel qualified to offer you help. You're in my thoughts and I'm rooting for you pulling through this with Dr Brizmans help.
Bonnie, did you try Rhodiola?
Bonnie, did you try Rhodiola? It is magic.
Sending you lots of prayers
Sending you lots of prayers and hugs Bonnie :)
Not much to add from our
Not much to add from our conversation, but I am praying for you, my dear Bonnie! Whatever decision you make, Dr. B, I know will be there to help guide through it! You need to do what is best for you! Not an easy decision! Hang in there! We are here for you! Call me anytime, sometimes you just need someone to talk through it!
Thank,you for all the replies
Thank,you for all the replies and all the emails off the site. This came somewhat out of nowhere for me and I am surprised by it. I know I had a pretty tough time when kids and hubby were sick but this seems harder. My mother in law said that I am having trouble coping with knee pain and uncertainty because of my past history of abuse at a tender age.
anyway, thanks for all of the support and hoping that I can keep going and stay off meds.
love, Bon
Hi Bonnie,
Hi Bonnie,
I think that it is times like this that it's important to do what you feel is right for you. If you are severly depressed, it makes it hard for the body to heal properly. So maybe this is best. The are some natural antidepressants though as you probably already know such as St. John's, SAM-e etc. I wish you the best in your healing. I know what the knee pain feels like and it sucks.
Hi Bonne. I just wanted to
Hi Bonne. I just wanted to let you know that I have been on anti depressants through my whole treatment with Matia. I have been in treatment two and half years. I was prescribed imipramine ( a front line treatment for IC) when I first became unwell. At the time I was in so much pain I could not think straight, The imipramine allowed me to continue working, get some sleep and reduced my pain and frequency. This type of anti depressant is used for pain as it blocks the pain pathways and has the added benifit of improving mood ( at a higher dose). I have improved heaps on Matia treatment. I excersise hard, walk my dog and enjoy life now. I will soon look at reducing the imipramine as by pain levels are so reduced and my mood is so much better. I know longer need it. At the end of the day we have to get through. Good luck Bonner with what ever choice you make. An agitated depression is a very uncomfortable feeling. We need to sleep. Kindest regards delie