Gunk coming out of eyes…

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It just started today and here I am at work and all of this gunk is coming out.  I freaked out a co-worker, he thinks I have pink eye.  I assume its die off?  Anybody else have this happen?  I also get super crusty eyes near my tear ducts in the morning…

also, sorry if this TMI but does anyone also get mucous post BM?  and also burning/stinging pain in intestines post BM and also in vaginal area afterwards?  Mine has lasted since 11am today..  not like burning flareup, just a different type of post mucous burning...

DLFox123's picture

Yep - my eyes have been pink - has cleared in a day or two.  My eyes have gushed fluid for days.  GOOD NEWS - I can read alot of things, like menus, without reading glasses!  My eyesite has improved dramatically.
As for BM Mucous :)  I've had it during, after, and before.  I've also had my arse sting like crazy after going.  Lovely info.

aberger's picture

Adriane, pain following BMs is apparently common in treatment. I have struggled with this on and off for months. Like everything else, it will pass (though not soon enough!)