Can't seem to find my positive strength inside of me today. I have such terrible vaginal burn (vulvodynia) and whole body itching lately and I am just so tired of waking up and making it through each day sometimes.
I am at the 17 month mark. Just spoke to Dr. Brizman and she told me I could start list 3. How can I when I am in such pain. How will I know if it is the new food or just my body going a-wall.
I hold onto to hope and frequent this blog for support and such heartfelt kindness that all of you share and give so as not to go down this path of despair.
Told Dr. B. about symptoms and she add cod liver back to my protocol. She has told me it is all the toxins moving through the lymph.
Could this still be die off as well - I just wish I would turn the corner a bit more. I am sure it will happen I am just so tired - the journey is a difficult one.
Thanks for reading and listening - need to get this sadness out of me.
Hi love!
Hi love!
I'm so sorry you're suffering the way you are. It's so difficult I know. I have had vulvodynia for a really long time as well. There were a few months where I couldn't wear underwear lol. I lol, but dear god, it was AWFUL and I still have it, just fortunately not to the same horrifying degree.
I've said this many times on this site, but once I cut dairy and sugar out of my diet my vulvodynia was reduced SIGNIFICANTLY. I went from barely being able to wear pants to moderate and sporadic flares. So I don't even bother with the butter on list 1. I honestly regard dairy with a healthy sense of terror... it's so delicious and I know once I start it will be hard to stop, but I know what symptoms come with it... for now at least.
For me it's seems like my vulvodynia was related to food intolerances... I wonder if it's the same for you? Maybe there is still something in your diet that is causing the discomfort? I have to say, personally for every single one of my major symptoms (we're talking UNBEARABLE.. you know the feeling) once I've cut out a single ingredient or food from my diet the problem has resolved itself about 85%... enough to function normally and not worry too much about it and to feel like there is a cause effect.
For vulvodynia it was sugar and dairy. For GERD it was garlic. And once I started using the Bomamed shampoo my facial rashes went away almost entirely. I still have certain symptoms and I am still experimenting even while on list 1 to see if there are more ingredients that just aren't doing it for me. Have you gotten allergy test? This couldn't hurt. I mean most likely it will test negative for everything just because IC is annoying like that, but if you were to test positive for something that is in your diet or every day routine then it would be good to get that out of the way!
What about detergent and cleaning products? Are you using everything in it's mildest and most sensitive form?
It is hard when someone tells you you are healing and you can't tell the difference between now and day one... this is something that I am afraid of myself. I was thinking today how fortunate I feel to have this site because I don't know if I would be able to get through this experience if I didn't have the support and stories of everyone else here.
This can't last forever... it simply can't. Nothing lasts forever... so this can't be the exception. Sorry vulvodynia but you WILL go away :)
You have every right to be tired. This experience is not for the weak of heart. We are all tired sometimes. It is tiring as HELL. I think patience is so crucial. We are all at a handicap because our society revolves around instant gratification... we don't know how to wait anymore or trust in time. We are used to having doctors give us two week remedies, maybe two months at most for illnesses.. it's hard to wrap your head around two years... or more, without any guaranteed signs of healing.
What I really want to say through all of this jibberish is that this is a moment in time. A terrible one perhaps, but a moment and it will pass. Until it does we are ALL here for you to encourage you to continue, to remind you that we are in this together and that we are here when you are just plain tired... and you know that each and every one of us has been there too.
LOve love love and wellness!
Oh, after that enormously
Oh, after that enormously long and potentially unhelpful message I wanted to say - Get that sadness out! You're right! I've been crying SO much lately. HAHA happy, sad, the waterworks are on. It's good to get it out though, otherwise it just bottles up in your tummy, or even worse, your bladder UGH!
I am so sorry Breis! I feel
I am so sorry Breis! I feel the same way, especially on the food front! This is such a difficult journey and hard to keep that positive attitude, but we are all here to support and encourage you and most all celebrate with you when you reach moments of calm and without pain, and moving up food lists! I have the same questions! I have been on cod 3 weeks and really seemed to kick up what we believe to be more die-off, so hopefully it will help to push things out of your system and get you feeling better! One day at time, you will make it through this, and ease into the food! Start slow and I think she usually suggests the veggies first. Someone on list 3 will probably have better suggestions on that front, but really pay attention to your symptoms, even though you have pain now, the pain will increase anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours after trying the food, and if does you will know that it probably is too soon for that particular food. I am celebrating for you! You are on list 3, yay! It is scary, but listen to your body! Thinking of you!
(((Hugs))) You have worke immensely hard. One day soon you are going to get a lot of traction in your healing and take off! All of your hard work is/will pay off.
Two things about the list: I think Hannah has a point that maybe you might possibly be currently (not later) sensitive to dairy, but you would not know unless you take it out. I personally would NOT take it all out, as everything I have read about dairy sensitivity suggests that butter is a fat/oil and is well-tolerated by many people with dairy sensitivities. If you were going to take out dairy, I would try the cheese first. If it does not have an effect, then move on and start adding those foods!!! Dr. B is so right about this kind of stuff. If she thought foods were going to be an issue for you at this phase, she would have not moved you up the lists.
I guess with list 3 the order is, veggies, yogurt, beans, nuts, nut butters. If you have any questions or concerns, email me as Dr. B gave me a few other minor suggestions. I think Christina has a good point that if you dont react in a reasonable amount of time, above and beyond the current symptoms, you should keep going. Your body wants different colors! Don't shy away from those turnips! they are excellent chopped and oven roasted with onions, or steemed and put in a cauliflower/onion/soup. Yum.
You can do this. Whether the symptoms are die off or lymph, it is all your body's amazing, strong, cleansing mechanism in action!!
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Hey Breis,
Hey Breis,
Everyone wrote great posts with lots of good advice. I just thought I would chime in and give you some extra hope. I've had severe vulvodynia for almost 3 years. I've been treating with Dr. B for the last 2 years. I have turned a corner as far as the severity is concerned. I still have a ways to go, but I'm confident I will get there.
I can really sympathize with you regarding the weariness of this journey. It is a lot of hard work, but we will get better if we don't give up! I have found that just when I think I can't take it anymore, something happens to renew my strength. Dr. B will say something that encourages me, or I will have some good days, or someone from the icama will email or call, etc. I am also proactive in seeking help or comfort when I need it.
Practicing patience with you!
I just wanted to add my two
I just wanted to add my two cents in case it would help you feel better about this whole process we are going thru. I was never diagnosed with vuvodynia, but I know I have it. I'm currently experiencing a lot of vaginal burn and low back pain right now after having a UTI, which I took an antibiotic b/c I didn't have the herbs. Even if I had the herbs, my extreme allergies wouldn't allow me to take them at a therapeutic dose to cure the infection. I am taking such small amounts of the mega and siberian right now that Dr. B says it's not therapeutic, but I have to keep at these levels to get to a point where I can take higher doses for real healing to occur. I am really new to this process, and have felt defeated many days, but know I don't have another option. Please just take it one day at a time. Keep in your mind that this is a process that could take a few years. I realize I need this site and all the women who share their sufferings and successes. It makes me feel less alone and it helps me look forward to the potential of my future health.
I just wanted to say that I have had VV for a long time and while my bigger issue at first in Tx was the bladder once that got better the VV detox really kicked in and I felt horrible in my vagina for a long time. I preferred the VV pain to bladder pain amazingly but it was still a long road. It was being addressed the frst two years while also treating the bladder but it really got better in 2011 and I started Tx in 2008 and recently I turned an even bigger corner a few weeks ago I was at 75% better with it and jumped up to an even better level of - I don't have pain anymore where as I still had some burn in my labia. I think it was a matter of it moving or being pulled out of my tissues out and down. So beleive me this VV treatment stuff is working - it just takes a long time to address. It is a good thing to add back foods. Just keep notes on what you eat. You might find you are helped by something. Interestingly the foods that supposedly oxalates full or whatever they call it- helped me. Spinach etc. The thing that helped me so much was finally finding REALLY quality like farm sourced beef. IT was light years beyond the whole foods meat department supposedly selling organic meat. Meat was my only organic thing I could afford.So I just ate regular veggies/fruits and at least tried to find hormone/antibiotic free meat.The recent addition of the farm raised beef was a revelation in how it helped me. I don't know why. Maybe its just these cows. It was free for me cause it is my roomates boyfriends cows and he can't eat it all so he gave me some.Might be worth the splurge. Anyway- I just wanted you to hear from someone who had ( let's use past tense now) VV and is in recovery and getting better and better and better all the tiime beyond even what I thought was possible. :)
A huge thankyou to all that
A huge thankyou to all that flooded me with your support and heartfelt kindness.
I will try eliminating some foods I think maybe irritating me - I do not eat wheat, gluten or dairy. I do eat eggs and may take these out. May also try the bomamed shampoo. You have all given me renewed hope and energy to continue the journey.
All of you are such gifts!! I am so grateful - thanks again!!