Lower back pain

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Hello lovelies

Anyone get bad lower back/pelvic pain. My bladder is good but this is very uncomfortable - I can't stand up for too long as it hurts, and then I feel a bit nauseous. Weird and horrible. 


Nika's picture

Hi Claire, I'm sure many of us have it, I've read it more than once. I have on and off left lower back pain - always on the left side. Sometimes it's rather low, in the neuro-sacral region, sometimes higher - like left kidney. It is usually paired with increased frequency; the more LLB pain the more frequency and the other way round, plus an overall sensation of inflammation. I had a Magnetic Ressonance done and it showed a light hernia. I also went to an ostheopath: according to him, the pain is rather originated by a problem in the coccyx. I don't know who is right, but after some manipulation by the ostheopath I have been feeling good for 4 days now, almost no pain and overall low to very low symptoms. Sometimes it might be worth trying to obtain different points of view. But even so, it's a symptom apparently many IC patients share. The best in any case will be asking the doctors. Sorry it causes you so much trouble.

megan's picture

Claire, I get lower back pain often when my bladder is bad. I also get a very distinct pelvic pain sometimes (separate from my bladder) that spreads to my lower back and causes pain there as well. It's common for pain to radiate, and Matia has assured me many times that it's all due to inflammation, which is not confined to the bladder.

Mimij67's picture

When my inflammation was up I was getting pain in my butt. For many months on and off. Lately it has been much better.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

DLFox123's picture

Hi Claire,
Not sure if this will help - but I took two cans of beans, duct taped them end to end, put them under my lower back and lay on top of them.  It stretches my back and groin area out.  It has helped me out considerably.