Questions about yeast in body and brand reccomendations

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Hi ladies,

As I get ready for my next call with Dr. B in a few days, I wanted to ask a few questions which you may or may not have already asked her directly. The 30min call goes way to fast so I want to take advantage of the time with her on other things I’m sure she will ask me. 


Here goes…

How do you know if you have too much yeast in your body?  I’m sure you can get tested, however, for anyone who has been on Dr. B’s protocol for some time, can you explain?


Is it safe to think that since I crave carbs – potato chips, potatos and rice A LOT, it may take me longer to get rid of yeast in my intestintal track?  I try to stick to the 1/3 carbs but its very difficult.


Speaking of rice, is basmati WHITE RICE ok?  If not, for those that live in the States, can you please recommend a brand to buy?  I currently bought a huge burlap sack of basmati Indian white rice from Costco and wondering if this is impeding me from getting better… thoughts?


Wheat pasta – same question:  any brand recommendations?


Rice noodles – are these OK on list 2?


I’m currently testing the waters on List 2 with Dr. B’s approval.  So far, Mozzarella (yum!), avocado and chamomile tea is ok…


Thank you in advance. 

Christine222's picture

I think if you have been on the pill or steroids and have taken a lot of antibiotics then I would say yeast is probably very present. As far as rice I think Basamati is ok but I think brown rice is better, that's what I use. It's funny you can have chamomile on List 2. She hasn't ok'd it for me yet but I was allowed green tea and white tea, and I really just want chamomile.

cprince's picture

Hello Adriane,
I believe there are saliva tests as well as Dr swabing to test for yeast. I had an EGD done before seeing Dr B and they found yeast growing in my esophagus, from what I have heard is rare (gross!) I am now finding out how hard yeast is to kill off! Yeast is definitely my main contributing factor to all my problems.
I too wonder about the rice and potato chips hindering my healing since I know yeast is probably not dying off as quickly with eating it, but  Dr B has not had me stop, I just try my best to stick to the proper proportions. Very hard sometimes when need a quick snack!:( 
I have always been allowed to eat rice pasta as long as the only ingredient is rice not rice bran. But we all know how everybody is different in treatment so probably ask just to be sure.
Glad to hear testing of list 2 is going well!:)