Quote of the day

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"We tend to focus on what we do not want, and what we focus on gets bigger."

From the book "The Effortless Sleep Solution" by Sasha Stephens.

This is the best sleep book I have seen, but in general, it has given me a lot of insight into how my thoughts shape my reality. 

cprince's picture

Thanks Mimi! I so needed this reminder today. I must not focus on my stressful situation at hand! Why must it be so difficult to retrain my brain?! I know the stress and anxiety only makes the pain and symptoms worse! I will continue to work hard to focus on what I want and only the positives that come from the current situation! Oh my, the anxiety and pain of it all!:(

janejones's picture

Agreed Mimij67! Reminds me of the saying "Energy flows where attention goes!"
Some advice that really helped me was: 'Focus on Recovery and not the illness'. This really struck a chord with me when I was suffering and it makes such sense. Another great piece of advice was 'Don't think of yourself as an ill person' - hard to do I know especially when things are really bad and IC is accompanied by other illnesses like CFS, IBS etc. These 2 phrases were important to me and helped me a lot.
Also, affirmations really helped me with focussing on recovery and the overwhelming anxiety that I had.