Kinesiology 'touch for health'

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Hello everyone

I recently decided to change my career slightly so I started studying and training in a holistic therapy called kinesiology. I found it so good, I had to write about it. Kinesiology works very much like acupuncture without the great for those who hate sharp things!

Systematic Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology ) is a way of identifying any imbalances a person has by monitoring their ability to hold their muscles against light pressure. Each muscle is related to an organ, and also to an energy pathway called a meridian. Together the muscle, organ and meridian form a circuit. If there are chemical, emotional, structural or energetic stresses affecting the circuit, the muscle tested will feel 'spongy', indicating an imbalance.

Once an imbalance is found the Kinesiologist uses the muscle test again to get feedback from the person's body about what factors are aggravating the imbalance, and what will help to rebalance it. Here's how it works ...

Each time a relevant factor is introduced the muscle's response changes, a bit like a switch. So imagine a spongy muscle as being 'off'; if the person then thinks of an emotional stress and the muscle is suddenly able to hold against the pressure, i.e. it switches 'on', that indicates that that emotional stress in involved in that imbalance.

Similarly, if a particular nutrient, when placed in the mouth, causes the muscle to switch 'on', we know it will be helpful. The same process can be used to find related structural problems and energetic factors.

Based on this feedback the Kinesiologist and client can discover exactly what is involved in the imbalance and devise a treatment plan. It may include nutritional supplements, various emotional stress release techniques, Bach Flower remedies, acupressure, gentle structural realignment, chakra balancing, light touch, firm reflex massage, suggested lifestyle changes and more. The exact treatment you receive depends on the feedback your body gives through the muscle test about what it needs to return to health.

For me, I found a good back massage on the lower back (where the meridian for the bladder passes through) eased pain within 20 minutes everytime. The best part is, you can do it on yourself. I really enjoyed what I learned on my course, and found it very empowering, so if anyone is looking for a holistic approach that works, this is definitely one of the better ones.


Melsvensen's picture

I did NAET allergy elimination that uses this before Matia,  It was AMAZING how it worked.  My body body actually tell me by my weak muscles if I was allergic to something.  This did not help my bladder at all, but did help other symptoms I was having because of the allergies

flygirlsam's picture

Hi all,Has anyone ever heard of or tried "zero balancing?"Google it, I can't really explain it, it's sounds like a cross between energy healing (which I do regularly) and osteopathic work, but it's kind of it's own thing.  Just wondering.  An acupuncturist I know is training in this field and suggested I try it but I want to ask on here before asking Matia about it.