zuccinni muffins

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Hey are Zuccinni muffins in the veggi section ok for stage one??



Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

Yes, all the ingredients are all OK on list 1 as long as Matia hasn't specifically excluded any for you.
Make sure you use white spelt flour and not wholegrain to be safe at first.
I make them all the time they are lovely split in half and then toasted.

Clueless's picture

Where do you find white spelt flour?  All I can find is whole grain.

veryhappymom's picture

I found white spelt flour at a local natural grocery store.  Many healthy grocery stores have bins filled with various grains.  I usually call the stores in my area to see if they have a product I am trying to locate.  Have you checked Whole Foods? 

Clueless's picture

We don't have a Whole Foods.  We have a nice sized natural grocery store and a Wegmans.  The natural grocery store only has the whole grain version.  I can't tolerate whole grains but seem to be able to eat the unbleached wheat flour.  My diet is very limited as I don't tolerate many foods.  I thought maybe I would be better with zucchini in the muffins rather than trying to eat steamed zucchini at a meal.  It makes my IBS flare up.

veryhappymom's picture

You could always buy white, spelt flour on-line.  I googled it and saw a lot of options.  There are several choices on Amazon.  Here is a link for a 25 pound bag.  I would recommend buying a small bag first:o)

Clueless's picture

Thanks for the info.  I wonder if I could just use organic unbleached wheat flour?  I eat it some anyhow.