too much garlic powder

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Hey has anyone else had any problems with too much garlic powder when cooking. Sometimes when I eat it I get really hot and my face will flush and then I feel super thirsty for hours and hours.  Does anyone else experience this. I have eliminated so many foods and I think this may have been the problem all along.


thanks everyone! Hope you have a symptom free day!



soniafa's picture

It sounds to me Portia you are getting a salicylate intolerance reaction.... I´m intolerant to high salicylate foods- although this is improving thanks to the treatment- and powdered garlic is very high so I stay away from that at the moment. The reaction I get normally is face flushing or hives.
I reckon I´d be saver for you to fry fresh garlic and use the oil for seasoning.

deir's picture

I thought I had a salycilate intolerance back before I found Matia. That was one of the routes I tried. I did a low salicylate diet for 4 weeks but then tried some almond butter and was fine. I know of one woman who healed from IC by healing the gut and then tested it with salicylates and flared after eyars of calmness. I think it isall connected. We SHOULD be able to eat salycilates and everything else (except junk of course!) That's why I like Matia's plan so much. Heal and strengthen!!
ANyway- Portia maybe it is the salicylates or maybe too much garlic even powder. It is a strong antifungal/antibacterial so it might be worth trying to see how you do with less or none for a couple of weeeks. I knwo that stinks because it is the only seasoning I usee too.

porkchop87's picture

Thanks for your input :)  I tried toning it down a lot and it made a huge difference! :) I don't think my body was ready for that much garlic powder.  Deir, I am with you on that one.  It is the only spice I can some what tolerate so it is hard to when you want to over load it on food to make it taste better. haha. :)
Thank you so much,