More info on B. Bifidum Malyoth (Natren)

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So even tho I am not doing super great on bif  :(  I know I can always retry.

(I am taking it out for a few days), I found this interesting info. I first had done a search on bifido, rather than a search on "b. bifidum malyoth" which is what Dr. B uses from Natren. Here is a good link. I feel like some of the stuff totally applies to me, and explains in part, perhaps, why my female hormones were rediculously low in my late 30s and early 40s, and maybe why I had a bit of difficulty getting pg the first time around...and had early menopause symptoms from age 42-45, that have nearly completely resolved in under 5 months of treatment!!

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Thank you, Mimi!  This is really good.  I didn't know that drinking chlorinated water on a regular basis kills good bacteria.  Wow!  I know drinking spring water is important for us, but I didn't understand this aspect of the "why."

Pixie's picture

Thanks for this!!!
This is inspiring...I used to take probiotics but on my own and didn't know what I was doing, just tried to find the most "potent" ones!
They always caused issues and when I came to Dr.B I was very specific about how I was scared to try it's time to do so ( finally received my first mega in the mail...trying for the first time)  and I just know it's the key to my first part of healing since she knows what to combine them with...
Ready to jump in !

cprince's picture

Thanks Mimi! Very interesting and makes sense why we need our probiotics! I was feeling defeated that I had tomdrop back from 3/4 mega to only a 1/4 mega after only increasing for a few days and pain spiked!:( Matia reassured me this is not something to feel defeated about, it is only a small thing in the big picture and even the small dose of probiotics are hard at work and doing their job! So reassuring to hear. I'm not a failure!:)

MissCC's picture

Thanks Mimi. This was such a great article... One interesting part for how my IC may have manifested was the following:
"Specific strains of detrimental bacteria may cause health problems. For example, E. coli may lead to problems with insulin and blood sugar function. Yersinia enterocolitica produces substances which cause the over-production of thyroid hormone. This detrimental bacteria can also contribute to autoimmune diseases."
My trigger was a REALLY bad UTI... when the Drs tested they were a little shocked at how strong the e.coli strain of bacteria was for my UTI. To top it off it took 3 doses of evil antibiotics to kill off the bacteria (each time increasing the strength of the antibiotic they prescribed).... I'm sure that in turn did a good job of mass murdering good bacteria in my gut.... et voila - IC. 
interesting stuff!