5 months- good things happening!!

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Hi All,

I just wanted to share an update. For those of you that don’t know my situation. I’ve had IC for just over 2 years. I tried the western route for just over 6 months trying every med under the sun. Nothing helped my pain (ulcers on bladder). At the 6 month mark I went to a naturopath and started on Candida diet along with antifungals. I followed this path until I started seeing Matia 5 months ago. Dr. B said I was in the 40-50% severity category, but I had done alot of healing prior to seeing her. Most of my pain was gone by the time I came to her just constant URGENCY and some frequency (still have strange numbness and tingling, tailbone heaviness along with some other freaky stuff). Also, prior to seeing Dr. B my diet was very limited.

I am very happy to say and a little scared that I might jinx myself. I am feeling really good these days!! I still have some urgency here and there and occasional pelvic discomfort, but it's not constant and it doesn’t rule my life like it did before. I’m also grateful to report that I drink coffee daily (toddy coffee) and I just had tomatoes and fizzy water for the first time in 2 years. To me this is a miracle, since I truly thought these would be off limits for ever.

Before I started treatment I really thought I would just have to live with constant urgency forever. I now believe that I will heal and have a normal life. I still have lots of healing to go and it's still really fresh in my mind how up and down this journey is. Thanks for all your support! This  forum is full of the most wonderful, kind and loving Warriors (Ally I stole that)!! Love to you in your healing journey. We will get there!!


Samara's picture


Mimij67's picture

Great, great news! Keep up the good work. I notice as I am feeling better at 6 months (not every day, but better!) I am whining to myself about how boring the diet is and how hard this all is to never drink or eat sweets. I need to take stock of how lucky I am to be here, and hunker down and keep up the diet!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

ellafinn's picture

thank you thank you THANK YOU for posting this today. I really needed to hear it. feeling bad from a flare in the last week and im still four weeks away from seeing Dr B. so posts like this are absolutely neccesary to read right now. im so happy for you!