Flu shot

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I was just notified that the hospital I work at is now making it mandatory to have the flu shot. I am going to try and get something from Dr brizman to see if they will allow me not to take it, it states in the policy that they will consider it but they will make the final decision. I am concerned that because it is alternative treatment that they may not consider it and still insist that I get the shot.

Has anyone had experience with this happening and managed to not be forced to take the shot, or if you had the shot did it set you back in treatment. Any input would be appreciated.

Mimij67's picture

Cathy I don't think anyone can force you to get a shot. And if they threatened your job you should consult with a lawyer that specializes in wrongful termination. If they catch wind you are consulting a lawyer they will probably leave you alone. 
Let me know if you have more concerns as I can raise this issue with my dad who is a wrongful termination lawyer.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

cathy's picture

Thanks Mimi, hopefully It won't come to that. I am sure Dr Brizman can write something that will excuse me from it at least until treatment is over.

cprince's picture

Cathy, I also wanted to tell you to check all the posts I also posted another comment on 1 of the 3. Hope the info is helpful.

Thea's picture

Cathy, I posted on one of your three posts on this topic, so check them all for others responses:)

rac.cook's picture

Is getting a flu shot off limits for everyone? Having had the flu once in my life it's not something I'd want to go through again. 

Mimij67's picture

Hi Rachel,
Dr. B has herbs for helping you with the flu. Ask her what you can buy to keep on hand so you are prepared if you get sick.  I know it is not fun but you have a damaged immune system. You have compromised gut immunity. The flu shot will further damage your overall immunity. There are some blog posts on this so I would suggest you search her blog. I will look too.
My dog has a gut infection right now and the vet will not immunize him until he is feeling better. Case in point. We are sick. I would not get any shots at this point.

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Mimij67's picture

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

Mimij67's picture

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.