October 2008
This is only one example, but I think this article regarding this vaccine is important because it addresses many issues surrounding my apprehension to support getting vaccines during treatment or at all. Please read this article, it is worth a minute of your time!
You know, it is hard no matter what your profession and what kind of income you bring in to make ends meet. For most of us anyway! Someone asked if you can get well without buying organic. And, I think the answer is a big YES! Of course, organic is best, but, not everyone can do that. I absolutely think you can get well without. But, I have a few tips. Here in LA there are lots of great healthfood stores. But, they are super expensive.
Many of you ask me about make-up and I recommend several. I just found one that I have been trying for the last couple of months that I really like. I use liquid make-up base and mascara on my own face and the one I found is Gabriel color. I looked on line and it seems that his ingredients are fine for all of you. And, the quality of the make-up is super nice! I like it much more than all of the others I have used over the years. And, the older you get, well...you needs lots more help:)
I don't know where this article was extracted from. Someone sent it to me, and I thought it was very well communicated. For the record, I did not write it! It's content begins discussing diabetes, but really, it is about autoimmune disorders and the challenges of our immune system in today's world. One could replace the word IC with many of the other diagnoses listed in this article:
...one day they will find out that they really ARE bad for you! I stopped putting mine to my head a year ago or more. I wish I had started sooner. And, of course, I don't know if that is really hekping completely either. But, this article is interesting on the topic of cell phone toxicity:
So, I received a phone call the other day regarding the FDA finding lead in some of the children's vitamins on the market. He had a long conversation with us reagarding this issue and that the FDA was not correct in their reporting. I was alarmed and upset. As upset as I was in the first place because one of the vitamins that was named was one I was giving my family! I asked that he give me more to go on and more information that could help me clear up this confusion. So, perhaps what I posted weeks ago was not correct.
This week our greatest success was being listed on the ICA website, Interstitial cystitis' largest association. It is an honor to be listed on their site, thank you ICA! We will be starting this website as we said earlier in the week, to provide support for those in Dr. Brizman's treatment, but also to reach out and offer any help we can to those choosing a different path with dietary information and lifestyle suggestions, and of course, simple support from the heart. Dr. Brizman will be conducting these monthly groups which will be help on the first Saturday of every month from 4-6 p.m.
Feelings of inadequacy are common amongst the population of people with IC. Perhaps inadequacies even more-so with women having IC. This issue may interrupt one's ability to handle social stresses that come their way leaving them more vulnerable to the ill effects of stress.
..happens in a lot of places, more than we know. I have repeatedly comminicated the importance of bottled spring water in the treatment of IC. There are many issues involved in this, and I am working on understanding other options. But mean time, I feel that it is important to continue to remind people about the issues with water:
Although this article focuses on infant formula, the concepts are relevant to adults. And, many people with IC may owe thier condition to their healthcare from early childhood and even infanthood. I recommend not eating soy durin treatment and limiting it tremendously afterwards.