February 2025
Hello Dr. Brizman!
At BOMAMED, we have been treating IC for the last three decades. In the beginning, we were young, and thought, as complicated as things were we could eventually create a protocol that was "one size fits all". Going back a little further, at the beginning of our education, I remember speaking to the headmaster of our University. I said to him, "when we graduate, we will know everything, so this way we will be able to help so many people quickly". In return he smiled, he answered, "no, my dear, when you graduate, you will know enough to really begin learning".
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly 20 years since I started seeing Matia for Interstitial Cystitis. Spoiler Alert—I don’t have IC anymore, and have barely thought about that label in decades. I hope my testimonial will give you hope and excitement for a life free from the awful pain and anxiety of IC.
Visit us on Instagram and FB when you get a chance and like and comment so we know you are there.
Chinese medicine has an entirely different paradigm through which to view physiology, and this is of great benefit when looking at conditions which seem otherwise undiagnosable through Western methods. However, the wonderful thing about practicing an ancient art more than 3,000 years later is we have the benefit of understanding certain things that we didn't so long ago.