February 2009

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Posted by drbrizman on February 26, 2009 at 1:37am

OK, this has nothing to do with IC. But, in a way it does, it has to do with everything. Love
is an important part of wellness and finding things to love in others that are unlike ourselves
can be so nurturing to one's "heart" and mind. This is a touching story I thought I would
share with all of you as a reprieve from a lot of heavy topics of late:


Posted by drbrizman on February 25, 2009 at 10:37am

It has come to my attention that there are people talking on other sites about my diet
and their protocols and giving impressions that may not be their intention.
Please do not talk about your treatments or your protocols on other sites other
than your feelings and your experiences. Thank you for your understanding.

Posted by drbrizman on February 24, 2009 at 7:07pm

This is a great article about the toxicity of Splenda. Notice the physiological changes that have been correlated with its chronic use!


Posted by drbrizman on February 20, 2009 at 11:17pm

For decades it has been standard procedure to give antibiotics to patients with mitral valve
prolapse before dental procedures even as benign as cleaning. Approximately three years ago, the American Heart Association ruled that this practice was no longer prudent or necessary.

Posted by drbrizman on February 19, 2009 at 10:12pm

Angela was sweet enough to take some time to find some articles for me to post. I will read them and comment more, but for now, here they are:



Posted by drbrizman on February 19, 2009 at 6:55am

It just came to my attention that some pediatricians may be offering up hormones to prevent a child from starting her mense too early if she is considered to be too young to handle it emotionally!

I was shocked to hear this, and I plan on doing research regarding this issue. And, this subject brings up many other issues regarding hormones and our practice of trying to control them.

Posted by drbrizman on February 15, 2009 at 3:47am

...but i need to post this bc it is relevant to the last post:


Posted by drbrizman on February 14, 2009 at 6:50am

Children who were carried in the womb during a time when the mother had been sick with chronic illness may be more likely to experience chronic illness themselves in my experience. This
is not based on any scientific evidence, it is only what I have seen in the small number of people that I treat compared to the whole world-which-is tiny! 

However, I have seen my patient's children go on to exhibit symptoms of IC and other chronic illness.
That said, those kids I have treated are all doing well and seem to be quite in good health now.

Posted by drbrizman on February 14, 2009 at 5:23am

People will soon tire of how much I talk about this subject, but here it is. Yet another article that speaks of meds in our water and the potential impact it is having.


Posted by drbrizman on February 12, 2009 at 12:29am

I posted this a couple weeks ago, but a patient brought up some great points about this today.
Go to the comments and read todays comment! I am really glad I posted, otherwise,
she would not have connected this for herself.
The other night a question was asked about potassium bc a patient had taken it that had been asymptomatic for four years and then started having symptoms again.

I could not thoroughly explain this the other night bc there were qyestions between, and I feel I did not address this completely.

