November 2017

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Posted by drbrizman on November 17, 2017 at 3:49am

Did you know that our body tissues vibrate to the key of C? Interesting. I did know this and I know that music is used for healing and has been as far back as the Egyptians (a documentary disccuses this regarding the pyrimids-fascinating!) But what is really incredible is today I exerieced it first hand. I am sorry for those of you that I had to cancel today but I was in excruciating pain from an accident two nights ago. I could barely walk and even getting into a position to sit or lay down seemed impossible. I went for X-rays and nothing is broken.

Posted by drbrizman on November 14, 2017 at 8:09pm

I have had strong feelings about the use of marijuana over the years, but became opened to it about 1 1/2 years ago when a few friends who are in the industry kept insisting how useful it was. I met just after that a doctor who specializes in the use of marijuana and chronic illness in Los Angeles, Dr. Frankel. He works with doctors in Israel and his body of knowledge is vast.

Posted by drbrizman on November 9, 2017 at 4:43am

Alot has happened over these last 2 decades of practice including ICAMA which was as everyone knows an extension of our work at Bomamed clinic and all of the work we do with IC and its related chronic issues. When I started this work my vision was to teach what I know and what I have learned and to eventually have a non-profit clinic for people to come and receive help. So many are in need with no way of receiving what it is they need.