Matia's Dissertation

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I am new to the forum and soon to be a patient of Matia next Friday Feb. 10!!! I I am very interested in reading her dissertation and making sure I understand her philosophy before I make the trip to meet with he,r but they do not have any copies of it for me to purchase at this time. They are waiting for more to be printed. Does anyone have a copy that would not mind letting me review before I go to see her? I would be happy to pay for it or any costs for shipping etc. 

junie's picture

hi christina1.
it's great u want to be prepared before seeing dr. b, but you don't really have to read it...although it would be nice. i've been wanting to read it myself, hopefully soon.

MelBell's picture

Hey Christina, I have a copy. My dog got a hold of it so it's a little beat up, but all the pages are there. I will send it to you just send me your addy.

Christina1's picture

Thank you so much!!!! I sent you my address in email.  I have 4 dogs so I dont mind at all, I totally understand I am just so grateful for you letting me read it. I need something to keep me busy during my flights. 

Christina1's picture

HI! I was just checking to make sure you got my address. I clicked on the email link below your picture so wasn't sure if that worked or not! thank you again!

MelBell's picture

Hey, sorry I meant to email you back. Yes, I did get your address. I sent it off on friday, so hopefully you get it soon. Take Care!

Christina1's picture

Thank you so much! Now I just hope reading this will help calm my nerves instead of making them worse about the treatment. the fear of the unknown and the getting worse before better have me scared to death.