Does anyone know why some women with constant UTIs -

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evolve into IC and some don't? Is IC a specific 'disease' or a 'lifestyle/life circumstances + bladder weakness' type of thing? 

Clueless's picture

Who knows?  It's anybody's guess.

flygirlsam's picture

It depends which camp you are in.  In Western Medicine, IC is a disease affecting the bladder with no known cause or cure (as we've all here been told in our past).  In Chinese medicine, there is no disease, only imbalances of the body that manifest in different areas.  IC is the culmination of severe imbalances of many organs and body systems.  It might manifest as IBS or colitis or even cancer in someone else.  These chronic things are all related somehow (to yeast and bacterial imblanace among others) but I think our contitution, our genes, and our lifestyle/diet all contribute to where the imbalance "ends up." Does that  make sense? Very helpful to read M's dissertation or any kind of book on alternative medicine explaining chronic illness.

deir's picture

Sam- well said!
In my case- I only had UTI's while on The PIll. I had countless, each time treated with Abx. The Pill disrupts the normal healthy balance in the uro-genital area and so for me ( I believe I have some weakness relating to the bladder) it resulted in UTI's. The abx then damaged my gut and the whole thing helped set the stage for IC.
It seems like you keep wondering why aome people get IC and some don't while having seemingly similiar lifestyle/medication choices. It all comes down to individuality I think.

Vin43's picture

Hi Deir,
Yes, I am desperate to know the answer to the question 'Why?'. I think that the scientist in me NEEDS to know this (I am scientifically trained so my natural 'instinct' is to gravitate toward scientific explanations for phenomena). However, I am also aware that we'll never know why some people get this (and other things) and some don't - "There'll never be an answer, let it be".  imagine that it's a few things coming together in a terrible pattern that sets the stage for this.  However, every time I get to the point of acceptance, I start up again with 'Why?' and 'How?' did this happen. I also need to know so that I can protect my children from it - I need to know why and how it happened so that I can help them avoid my behavioural patterns (if indeed these contributed to IC). I need to be able to educate them but without knowing why, that's impossible. 

deir's picture

I hear ya'! I have the same fears for my kids. I think the pieces will start to come together for you the more you read and experience. I feel like the answers are there in Dr B'a dissertation but for each specific person, things are very complicated.
For me I think it was simple-
Family weakness + Pill=imbalance=uti=antibiotics + being vegetarian= damaged gut+healthy lifestyle =years of being ok+rough pregnancy+elimination diet+ dr's advice to do anti candida foods like coconut oil=intense cleanse and more imbalance=IC
for my little sister i think it was
family weakness+bad diet+the PIll= UTi=antibiotics + and = alcoholic+ horrible diet/lifestyle=imbalance+recovery from alcoholism=intense cleanse=IC
so I think the only remaining question for me is what is that first family part and what role does that play but other than that for me I feel like I have some answers.
Have a  good day! I hope you start feeling better soon!

blondy's picture

Vin, the reason why some bodies change under the effect of chemicals, antibiotics, environment is because some people are more sensitive than others. For example, someone may have full mouth of amalgam fillings and eat processed food all day long and don't seemingly display much symptoms of imbalance at the moment, while someone else may have a few fillings and eat relatively healthy came down with chronic illness. Because the second is extra sensitivite to mercury or chemicals that person's body is out of balance and it didn't take much to havoc. Why we develop those extra sensitivities, who knows, although there are theories about that, too.
Vin, when you start feeling better, you will accept your (our)  'fate'. It is a hard place to see past pain. Follow the protocol, make adjustments when needed, and rest a lot. You will get there, hopefully soon!